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As the days turned into weeks, the stranger's presence in her life grew stronger. Their online conversations flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and a sense of intimacy that she had never experienced before. He seemed to understand her in a way that no one else ever had, and she found herself drawn to his charm and charisma.

One day, her boyfriend surprised her with an unexpected visit. He had been away on a mission, and he was eager to see her again. She was overjoyed to have him back, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt about her newfound friendship with the stranger.

When she told her boyfriend about her online friend, he became visibly upset. He urged her to cut off all contact with him, but she refused. She felt a connection with the stranger that she couldn't ignore, and she didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Don't you understand that he's dangerous? He's only going to hurt you!"

The argument escalated quickly, and her boyfriend's anger grew. He slammed his fist against the wall, leaving a deep dent in the plaster. She recoiled in fear, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You don't understand!" she cried, tears streaming down her face. "He's my friend!"

But her boyfriend wouldn't listen. He stormed out of the apartment, leaving her alone and heartbroken. She sank to the floor, her tears turning into sobs. She felt lost and confused, torn between her love for her boyfriend and her newfound friendship with the stranger.

As the night wore on, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach. She drifted off to sleep, her dreams haunted by the image of her boyfriend's angry face and the sound of his fist hitting the wall.

~ On the other side

As the stranger observed his beloved, her tears streaming down her face, a sinister smile spread across his lips. He relished the chaos he had sown, the rift he had created between her and her boyfriend.

He had long harbored a deep resentment towards her boyfriend, viewing him as a rival for her affections. The stranger was not just a charming online friend; he was a ruthless adversary, a cunning manipulator who sought to exploit her vulnerabilities for his own malicious purposes.

He had carefully orchestrated their online conversations, gradually gaining her trust and manipulating her emotions. He had flattered her, listened attentively to her dreams, and made her feel special and adored. All the while, he had been planning his next move, his ultimate goal to destroy her boyfriend and claim her for himself.

Watching her boyfriend leave in anger, his face etched with despair, filled the stranger with a sense of triumph. He had successfully sown the seeds of doubt and distrust, driving a wedge between the two lovers. The stranger knew that this was just the beginning of his plan.

He would continue to chip away at her loyalty, gradually turning her against her boyfriend. He would fill her ears with lies and half-truths, painting her boyfriend as a villain and himself as the only one who could truly love and protect her.

The stranger was patient, understanding that it would take time to break down her defenses. He would play the long game, showering her with attention and affection, until she was completely under his control.

And when the time was right, he would strike, revealing his true identity and unleashing his wrath upon her boyfriend. He would watch as the chaos unfolded, relishing the pain and destruction he had wrought.

The stranger was a master manipulator, a puppeteer pulling the strings of fate. He would not rest until he had achieved his ultimate goal: to destroy his enemy and claim his beloved girl as his own.

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