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The first rays of dawn kissed the horizon, painting the ocean in a palette of soft pinks and oranges. He stirred, his body warm and content, the memory of their laughter and whispered secrets lingering on his skin. He opened his eyes, expecting the familiar sight of the empty bed, but instead, he was met with a tableau of domestic bliss.

There, in the quaint kitchen of their beach house, stood his wife. Her hair, usually meticulously styled, was now a tousled mess, framing her face like a crown of sun-kissed gold. Her sundress, a light blue that mirrored the morning sky, flowed around her as she moved with a graceful, almost ethereal, quality. And in her hands, a spatula danced, flipping pancakes with practiced ease.

A wave of desire, intense and unexpected, washed over him. He watched her, a secret smile playing on his lips, as she hummed to herself, the melody blending with the gentle hiss of the frying pan and the rhythmic crash of the waves outside. He wanted her, right then and there, the raw hunger of his love fueled by the intimate scene before him.

He slipped out of bed, his bare feet padding softly across the wooden floor. He leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed, reveling in the sight of her. She looked up, her eyes widening in surprise, then crinkling at the corners with a mischievous grin.

"Morning, sleepyhead," she teased, her voice laced with a playful edge. "Didn't expect to find your muse so early."

He chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling in his chest. "My muse," he echoed, his voice husky with desire, "is always awake, especially when she's barefoot in the kitchen, conjuring up breakfast magic."

His gaze drifted downward, taking in the curve of her bare legs, the way the sundress clung to her hips, outlining the delicious swell of her backside. He felt his body tighten, a primal urge to claim her rising within him.

She seemed to sense his shift, her smile turning knowing. She set down the spatula, the clink of metal against porcelain a subtle invitation. "Well then," she purred, her voice dripping with honeyed temptation, "come and let your muse inspire you."

He needed no further encouragement. He strode towards her, his steps quickening as the distance closed. He caught her in a swift embrace, his hands molding to her curves, his lips seeking hers. Her lips, warm and soft, welcomed him with a sweetness that sent a shiver down his spine.

The kiss was a whirlwind of passion, fueled by the unexpectedness of the moment, the rawness of their desire laid bare. He tasted pancakes and salt-kissed air, the tang of orange blossoms and the intoxicating sweetness of her. He pushed her against the counter, his hands roaming the smooth expanse of her back, tracing the delicate curve of her spine.

She moaned, a soft sound that sent a tremor through him. Her fingers dug into his hair, pulling him closer, her body arching into his like a sun-warmed flower. He felt her heat, her urgency, a mirror image of his own.

He wanted to take her right there, on the cool tiles of the kitchen floor, bathed in the soft light of dawn. But then, a playful glint sparked in her eyes, a teasing challenge that ignited the flames of his desire even higher.

"Bedroom," she whispered, her voice a breath against his lips. "The's calling."

He laughed, a low rumble that vibrated against her chest. "Lead the way, my muse," he murmured, his hand trailing down her side, sending shivers down her spine.

They stumbled into the bedroom, a tangled mess of limbs and sundress. He kicked off his shorts, his eyes never leaving hers. She slipped out of her dress, her skin shimmering like moonlight in the morning light.

The bed, rumpled and inviting, swallowed them whole. He fell onto her, his lips raining kisses across her face, her neck, her collarbone. His hands explored, mapping the landscape of her body, rediscovering the curves and hollows he knew so well, yet still felt new and exciting.

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