《 chapter 8 》

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꧁~Peter's POV~꧂

After Y/n left to the bathroom, I put out my cigarette completely and rush back to Sarah.
"Sarah! I.. I confesed to Y/n..! But.. I don't know how to continue from now.. Help me!" I say to her. She looked at me with an excited smile.
"Well, did you ask her to be your girlfriend?" Sarah asked, and patted the seat beside her on the couch. I sit next to her nervously.
"I mean.. yeah.. She said she wants to be my girlfriend.. But she's literally my first girlfriend! Like ever!" I say nervously. Sarah just chuckled at me.
"Calm down, Peter. Just give her affection man. Ever kissed someone?" She asked, and I think back to the kiss I had with her earlier..
"I.. uhhh.. just a few minutes ago.." I say. Sarah's eyes and smile widen.
"Oh damn! You're forward, man." She chuckled.
"Well.. I never had a boyfriend myself. Just don't make bad decisions. Don't be too forward, and ask for her boundaries, and respect them." Sarah said. I let out a sigh and flop my back down on the couch.
"You can share a mattress with her and cuddle if she wants~" Sarah teased me, making me blush. I roll around to look towards the door that leads out of the livingroom. I could hear the toilet flush.
"Oh I know! You should get her a christmas present! Christmas is in two days! I'm gonna ask Cassie to bring us all to the store later! You don't have to let her know it's a present." Sarah suggested. I think for a second and then agree.
"Alright then.. I'm just gonna take a shower." I said, and stand up. I walk over to my room, and grab some fresh clothes. I heard Y/n walking back out of the bathroom. Her footsteps go back to the livingroom. I walk out of my room, and into the bathroom.

꧁~Y/n's POV~꧂
I walk back into the livingroom, seeing Sarah seated on the couch still. I get a bit confused. Peter isn't there. I shrug it off, and sit down on the couch aswell.
"So, You're Peter's girlfriend now? He told me." Sarah asked out of nowhere. I blush slightly and nodded. Everything out on the balcony went so fast...
"Yeah.. I mean, he asked me if I want to be.. and I said yes. Then I went to the bathroom.. By the way, where is he?" I asked confused. I was now looking at Sarah, hoping she would have an answer.
"He's going to take a shower. We're going to the mall.. Wait, you could buy him a christmas present!" Sarah said, she was smiling at me. I chuckled and nodded.
"Sure, why not." I say and smile back. Then I could hear the water in the shower turning on. I lean against the wall and close my eyes.
"When are we going tho? I still feel so tired.." I ask, not opening my eyes up again.
"Oh, don't worry you can still cuddle with your boyfriend." Sarah teased me, and I chuckled.
"Yeah yeah.. whatever." I giggle.

꧁~Time skip~꧂

As I walk back to Sarah's room, I heard Peter using the hair dryer. I ignore the sound, get in Sarah's room, and plop myself down on my mattress. I feel so tired still.. My neck hurts from falling asleep in the car.
"I still can't believe that he loves me back.." I think to myself.
After the sound of hairdryer ended, I could hear Peter's footsteps coming to Sarah's room. Sarah probably told him I'm there. I sit up, and hear how he knocked on the door.
"You there Y/n? Can I come in" He called into the room. I rub my eyes before answering
"Yeah." I call back. Peter opened the door and closed it behind himself. He walked over to me and sat next to my mattress.
"You look so damn tired." He chuckled. I chuckle along and take my hands off my eyes.
"May I?" He asked, putting his arm out to me. Like a question if it is okay to touch me.
"Mhm.. I adore physical touch." I say, and felt Peter's arm wrapping around my waist. I place my head on his shoulder and lean against him. He sat himself down on my mattress to get himself more comfortable. His hair was even softer than before.
"You should get some sleep. Seriously, you look way to tired to even stand." He chuckled. I nod, and open my eyes to look at him.
"Only if we cuddle." I asked with a smirk, obviously teasing. But I do want to cuddle with him. He chuckled again and wrapped both of his arms around my waist. We laid down on my mattress and I close my eyes again. He pulled the blanket over us and I wrap my arms around him, and lay my head in his chest. One of his hands carrased my hair. He was so gentle.. After some time, I fell asleep in his arms.

꧁~Peter's POV~꧂
I look down at Y/n the entire time. My hand carrased her hair carefully. I could then see how she fell asleep. Just then, Sarah came into her room. My head snapped to look at her.
"Awwh! That's so cute!" She said.
"Shut up. I don't want to wake her up." I said, and pull Y/n closer to myself.
"Ugh, alright fine. Lovebird." She chuckled and plopped herself onto her bed. She stared at us for a couple of seconds, before getting on her phone. She watched some youtube with headphones. Until Cassie called her. Normally, she would just call back from her room. But she got up, and left to talk to her instead. My gaze went back down to Y/n. My hand carefully stroked her back again. I smile down at her, and give her a gentle kiss on the top of her head. I can't believe she actually loves me..

Then suddenly, I felt my pants tighten..

| ⬆️wors count: 1013⬆️ |

꧁~| Authors note |~꧂
The next chapter will only be smut. It won't be long tho.

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