Bed time

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Yoongi breaks the kiss and softly throws Jimin on top of the center of the bed

She giggles softly then covers her mouth quickly

Yoongi shakes his head «Uncover your beautifully swollen juicy lips»

She smiles widely and does as told

Yoongi smiles at her while climbing on top of her

'Whatever you want. Give me my real voice back and make me lose it'

Yoongi kisses all over her face, kissing her lips last while tapping her tummy 'Do the same for me and we have a deal'

She nods happily

'Want to be tied'

'Just for a little bit'

'Okay love'

'For maybe ten'

'I can do that but you still will not be able to touch me until we fuck'

'God. Why are you so hot'

Yoongi smiles at her while climbing over the side of his bed, laying on her side ways

She softly drums his ass

He hums while pulling out a slik lace

She smiles widely when she sees it 'Not rough'

Yoongi shakes his head while sitting up and sitting on her stomach ««I can handle it»»

She smiles widely 'I can not either'

««I do not»»

'Ten mintues'

Yoongi nods and binds her wrists together tightly then ties left over to the bed post tightly «When you can not handle it tap twice. I will stop what I am doing and untie you. I promise you will not get into trouble and I will not be upset»

Jimin nods

Yoongi kisses her softly then goes to work finding her sweet spot on the right side of her neck, sucking and biting everywhere

Jimin moans softly but deeply when Yoongi notices her breathing change and sinks his teeth deeply into the sensitive skin

Once he pulls away, he does the same thing to her left side, matching everything exactly

He pulls away and looks at Jimin's hands, sensing something

She waits for a few seconds before giving up and finally tapping twice

Yoongi quickly unties her hands from the bed post and throw the lace over the side of the bed «All done. Are you okay»

She taps his heart 'My kitten is so caring'

He nods «Are you okay. No flash backs»

She shakes her head 'No flash backs. I am one hundred percent okay'

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