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Yoongi runs in and pulls Jimin towards him, glaring at a new lady behind the counter

"Sir, why are you here??" She asks calmly yet scared

'Stop making her feel bad' Yoongi taps on the counter roughly

"I was just telling her that I don't understand tap or sign"

'You are new and will be fired'

Jimin looks at him confused

Yoongi shakes his head twice softly

"Again, sir, I do not understand"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and pulls his phone from Jimin's back pocket, types on it roughly with one hand and a robotic voice is heard blaring from the specker "All she wants to do is go to bathroom for like 5, maybe 10 minutes. Will that be okay??"

"Oh!!" The lady say understandingly "Yes. Right through that door. Frist door on the right"

Jimin smiles widely

The robotic plays "She says thank you"

The lady smiles widely "Of course!! Please knock frist!!"

Jimin nods and Yoongi lets her go

She walks to the brown wooden door amd Yoongi quickly pulls her back

She stares at him confused

He nods to the door being pushed opened

She hugs him tightly "Thank you"

Yoongi nods

The elder women walks out and looks at the two hugging "Excuse me??"

Yoongi looks at her, nodding

"Are you trying to go in??"

Yoongi nods

"Okay. I will hold it open for you"

Yoongi types on the phone quickly then a robotic voice says "Thank you"

She smiles "Of course"

Yoongi taps on Jimin's back 'She is holding the door open for you'

Jimin nods, kissing his heart twice, lets him go, turns around and waves at the elder lady

She waves back and steps aside

Jimin walks through and the lady closes the door then walks pass Yoongi and looks out the window "Uh...... why are there cops just sitting outside??"

The robotic voice says "Patrol"

The elder lady nods "Okay" She walks out and lets the door softly close behind her

The lady behind the front desk slides the glass window closed

Yoongi stays standing up in front of the door until Jimin bounces out of it

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