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Yoongi comes out a few mintues and walks back to the couch and sits back in his spot and looks at Jin while softly straching Jimin's head "Hyung, how are you??"

"Me??" Jin asks shocked "Are YOU okay??"

"You know the answer to that question. Now, answer mine"

Jin softly hugs Yoongi's neck "Yes. Thank you"

"Of course. Now, get off"

Jin chuckles and lets him go

Yoongi picks Jimin up and sets him on his lap, hugs her tightly and buries his neck in her neck

Jimin smiles softly and sratches his head

"Um......" Anna says over the phone

"What happened??" Bree asks

Jin turns his attention to the phone and unmutes it "Hey, ladies. Sorry. Something happened and Yoon had to deal with it. Then we had to make sure he was okay"

Both nod

The front desk lady comes over and leans over the counch

"Hey, mom!!" Both girls on the phone beam

"Hey, girls!! Have y'all done y'all's homework??"

"I need help with my math!!" Bree beams

"And I turned my tests in eariler today!!" Anna breams

"That's great, girls!! I'll help you once I get home, Bree!!"

"Okay!!" Bree beams "Thanks!!"

"Of course!!"

"I'll come home this weekend!!" Anna informs brightly

"Okay, An!! See you then!!"


"I just got off!!" The lady beams

"Yay!!" Both girls beams

"Bye!!" Everyone beams

Yoonmin wave

"Bye!!" The girls beam

Jin lifts the phone up and hands it to the lady "Thanks, Jin. Please lock up when y'all leave"

"Oh. We're about to leave too" Jin says standing up "We have to get back to school"

She nods "Are you leaving now??"

"Yeah. Might as well"

She nods and watches everyone stand up

Jimin takes Yoongi's hand tightly in hers and softly gets pulled to the door

Yoongi walks out of it and holds it open with his foot, allowing everyone else out

Once everyone gets out, Yoongi locks the door, waves bye to lady and guides Jimin to the car, taps the hood twice, opens her door and Jin's, watches Jimin slide in and puts her seat belt on then closes her door. Looks at Jin talking to the dads, walks around the trunk, taps it six times, goes to his side, opens his door, slides in, starts the car, puts his seat belt on and close the door

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