Chapter 5

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Monae knocked on the door of Darrell's house as she waited for him to open the door. She stood there and made a bubble with her chewing gum and popped by chewing it again.

Suddenly, he answered his ring doorbell.

"Everything alright?", asked Darrell.

"My car broke down a block from here. I was wondering if you had some jumper cables or something. The other houses I knocked on either somebody wasn't home or they didn't have any. It's cold so tell me you have something", said Monae.

"I do but I ain't home", said Darrell.

"So you're not home?", asked Monae.

"Nah.", he replied.

Suddenly, Monae gets a phone call. It was her brother calling her.

"Well, lucky for me my brother called me back", said Monae. "Thanks anyway"

Monae walked away as she rolled her eyes. She answered her phone as she walked to her car.

"Hello?", said her brother, CJ.

"Yea?", Monae replied. "What you want?"

"Damn, is that a way to greet your brother?", asked CJ.

"CJ you barely talk to me", said Monae. "Last time I checked you ain't like what I did for a living."

"Yea because you are a smart ass girl that could be doing so much better for herself...legally", said CJ.

"My hustle is my hustle. I don't knock yours", said Monae.

"Damn. Ty really got you brainwashed. You used to be sweet and innocent. What happened to that?", asked CJ.

"He didn't brainwash me...just showed me another life. Ain't my fault that I liked it. Besides, he didn't force to me to do this. I made him let me", said Monae.

"Either way, it's bullshit. You wanna get killed or be in prison??", asked CJ.

"At this point I really don't care where I end up. Dead, alive, in prison, out of prison. I don't care alright", said Monae.

"Why you saying that?", asked CJ.

"...Ty...he...he's gone", said Monae.

"Deadass?", asked CJ.

"Yea", said Monae.

"Then you damn sure need to open your eyes and realize that can be you", said CJ.

Monae rolled her eyes.

"Look, Im in town. Let's grab something to eat and talk. I won't talk about what you do, I won't talk about Ty unless you want to...I just wanna catch up with my little sister", said CJ.

"I'm good. I got things planned for tonight", said Monae.

"Like what?", asked CJ.

"Finding out who killed my fiancé", said Monae.

"I know you've probably been doing that day in and out. Take a break, get your mind right, and do whatever later", said CJ.

"I can't.", said Monae.

"You can", said CJ

"He wouldn't take a break if I was the one dead", said Monae.

"I'd be dead if you were the one dead", said CJ.

"Once again, what I do now isn't Tyren's fault. It's mine", said Monae. "I can stop when I want to but I don't."

"Do you realize that every day you go out and do the shit that you do, you'll think about him?", asked CJ.

"Yea. I'll be living in his legacy", said Monae. "We started it together, I'll finish it because he's gone."

"Whatever Monae. Just meet me alright", said CJ. "Let's get some wings at the wing stop"

"Fine", said Monae. "It'll be quick because I'm on a time clock."

"Yea yea whatever. I'll see you later", said CJ.

Monae hung up the phone and got into her car.

When she got to the restaurant, her brother was already inside at a table. When she walked in, he stood up. As she walked to him, he had his arms out to hug him.

"Hey Mo", said CJ with a smile.

"Don't touch me", said Monae as she sat down in the booth.

CJ sucked his teeth as he sat across from her. "Why you gotta be like that?", asked CJ.

"Why don't have to be the way you are either", said Monae as she rolled her eyes.

"I just want what's best for my baby sister and that nigga wasn't it", said CJ. "Find somebody that's going to keep you protected and safe, not a nigga that's going to put you in danger."

"What happened to just wanting to catch up with your sister?", asked Monae. "We're talking about him"

"Thank you for redirecting the conversation back to where it needs to be", said CJ.

"'s mom?", asked Monae.

"Asking about you. Wants to see you", said CJ.

"Didn't she kick me out?", asked Monae.

"You were being fast on multiple occasions while she was at work. She warned you and she definitely didn't want to do it", said CJ.

"So. Is it still my fault that I do things the way I do? Because at the end of the day I had to grow up fast", said Monae.

"Mo, you chose to grow up fast. You chose that.", said CJ.

Monae looks down.

"I love you Mo. But don't go around here blaming people for your actions", said CJ.

"...why did you come all of a sudden? I haven't seen you in like a couple of years", said Monae. "And then would you look at that, you finally got what you wanted. Me away from somebody that actually loved me and that actually cared about me."

Monae starts crying.

"And you don't even give a fuck. No "sorry for your loss" or nothing. So disrespectful", said Monae.

"...I'm sorry", said CJ as he began to feel bad. "I'm sorry"

Monae cries in her hands.

CJ gets up and sits next to her. He rubs her back to comfort her.

"He wasn't the best person image wise. Yes, he killed, sold drugs, stole...but he the best person to me and for me. He did everything he could to make me happy and he always kept his promises", said Monae. "....why me?"

Monae looks at CJ.

"...I don't know Mo", said CJ.

Monae sniffed at her wiped her tears with a napkin. "Stop touching me. Go back over there", she said.

"You mean", he said as he got up and sat across from her again.

They began to actually talk about something else and eventually Monae began to lighten up.

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