Chapter 17

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After eating, Monae and Caleb went to his apartment.

Monae is moaning as she rides Caleb in his bed.

"Keep going, don't stop", said Caleb.

Suddenly a phone began ringing.

"Fuck the phone", said Caleb.

"That's the trap phone", said Monae as she got off of him. "Sounds like yours.

"This better be important for these fools to call me at this time of night", said Caleb.

Caleb got out of the bed and looked for his phone in his clothes. Once he found it, he answered it.

"Hello?", he asked. "...what? ...what the f— okay, alright. Thank you for letting me know"

Caleb hangs up the phone and stands there for a moment.

"What?", asked Monae.

"The warehouse. Somebody burned it down", said Caleb.

"What?", asked Monae as she got out of bed.

"I told you that nigga would do some foul shit", said Caleb.

Monae grabbed her clothes.

"We don't even know if it was him", said Monae.

"Rico show up, we leave, the warehouse on fire. That nigga wasn't there to get you back with Ty. He was there to see if anybody was inside.", said Caleb. "He was hinting at something bad happening. He was warning you."

Monae began putting her clothes on.

"Why you putting your clothes on?", asked Caleb. "Ain't nothing to go run to. The place burned down."

"To talk to Tyren since you think he did it", said Monae.

"Nah I'll talk to him", said Caleb.

"No.", said Monae.

"How come?", asked Caleb.

"Because that ain't gonna do nothing but cause more chaos, alright? I don't need anything happening to you", said Monae.

"What makes you think something will happen to me?", asked Caleb.

"If you go, what exactly do you plan on doing?", asked Monae.

"I'm going to handle the issue. We don't need this happening again", said Caleb.

"By doing what. He isn't going to listen to you", said Monae.

"He doesn't need to listen", said Caleb as he put his clothes.

" aren't going to kill him are you?," asked Monae.

"He burned your warehouse down. Not only that but all the product in it. Your investment", said Caleb.

"Allegedly. Allegedly", said Monae.

"What did you tell me before? The next time he threatens you, kill him. That's exactly what the fuck you said. He ain't threaten you think time baby, he stood on busines", said Caleb.

Monae didn't say anything for a moment.

"Just let me talk to him. If he did this, I will handle things accordingly. Look I'm your boss and—"

"And I'm doing this as your worker. I'm doing this as your man", said Caleb.

"Caleb please!", Monae shouted out of frustration. "Just let me do this. I am capable of handling business on my own. I am a woman, yes. But I am damn good at handling business."

The Godmother: BOOK 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang