Chapter 31

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Monae went to her hotel room after spending the day with her mom and brother. She thought about Caleb on and off. She wandered if he was still in town.

Monae walked onto the balcony and looked at the view of the city for a few minutes before she decided to call Caleb.

"Hello?", Caleb said on the other end of the phone.

"Where are you?", she asked.

"Why? You need me?", asked Caleb.

"I just know you're around here somewhere", said Monae.

"...third floor", said Caleb.

"you making some good now, you should be able to afford a good suite", said Monae.

"I like to lay low", said Caleb. "You know me."

" I'm guessing it was just a coincidence that we end up in the same hotel", said Monae.

"Not really", said Caleb.

"Yea, I figured", said Monae.

"I've been keeping my distance though today like you asked. Been in my room chillin'", said Caleb. "So...why you call?"

"I need something more than, I can handle a nigga like you, as for why you want me even after I tried to kill you because you killed my ex. I even told you that you meant nothing to me. I told you that I was still in love with him. Why are you still trying me?", asked Monae.

"Because you were just upset", said Caleb. "Well I believed you when you said you still loved him, that's partially reason why I did what I did I'm not even going to lie, but I don't believe that other shit."

Monae didn't say anything.

"I'm not a guy that gives up. I'm not a guy that walks away when shit gets rough", said Caleb. "So if I gotta sleep with one eye open, cool. But I'm not letting you go."

"You're crazy, you know that?", asked Monae.

"I've been told", said Caleb with a chuckle.

"I guess I'm just...attracted to crazy", said Monae.

"You crazy too...but to me it's sexy", said Caleb.

Monae smiles. "Goodnight Caleb.", said Monae.

"Do I need to stay on the third floor?", asked Caleb.

"Yea. I'm still thinking me and you", said Monae.

"Alright then", said Caleb. "I'll just lay in this bed all to myself."

"Do that. Goodnight", said Monae before hanging up.

Caleb looked at his phone after the call ended.

Caleb stands up and walks to his bookbag. He pulls out two blacks and a lighter and walks to the balcony where he met CJ.

Caleb hands a black to CJ and sits down.

"Thanks nigga", said CJ.

"No problem. And thank you for helping me out with Ty", said Caleb.

CJ finishes lighting his black. "I ain't like that nigga anyway", said CJ. "Been wanted that nigga dead. Wish you were successful the first time."

"Would've been if I wanted to get my hands dirty but I gotta stay clean for your sister. Gotta teach her to let people handle stuff for her too", said Caleb.

"...oh teach her to stay in the back and not be in the middle of all that", said CJ.

"I'm not going to make her do something she don't wanna do man.", said Caleb. "I believe in her, I trust her, you should too."

CJ didn't say anything, he just smoked.

"Besides, when I teach her to sit back and let everybody do stuff for her, she won't be in the middle of nothing", said Caleb.

"Alright man", said CJ. "....but I got a question?"

"What's up?", asked Caleb.

"You say you ain't gonna force her to do something she don't wanna do. Now she decide she don't want you, you ain't gonna force her to want you right?", asked CJ.

"Nah", said Caleb.

"I just ask because... well I don't know what roots she got you but —"

"She ain't got no roots on me man...I just... I feel like she was made for me that's all.", said Caleb.

"What if you ain't made for her?", asked CJ.

"Then I ain't made for her", said Caleb. "Can't help that. Listen Chris, you don't have nothing to worry about. I respect your sister all around. As a person, a woman, and especially a queen pin."

CJ nods. "Good", he replied.

Chris and Caleb continued to talk until Chris went home for the night.

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