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Full Name: Indigo Novak

Age: 19

Gender: Cis male

Sexuality: Gay

Theme song: "Train Wreck" by James Arthur

Voice claim: Timothée Chalamet

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Human

Powers (if applicable): He can basically see and talk to the dead

Occupation: He's currently in college taking business and theater classes

Face claim: Timothée Chalamet

 Personality: Indigo is a rather sweet guy who loves his friends and family

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Personality: Indigo is a rather sweet guy who loves his friends and family. He's usually rather calm unless it comes to things he likes then he gets rather excited. He does get rather anxious, especially with his powers, and sometimes feels as though he's going crazy. He also likes to do stuff depending on his mood whether it be going out or staying in. Once you get close to him he is loyal till the end. He is at times a bit too trusting. If you become his lover he is a bit clingy and can get jealous at times but is good at staying calm during arguments and talking things out. He's especially good at controlling his anger and walking out when he needs to. He sometimes focuses more on others than himself.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Likes:  Rain, Music, Musicals, cats, sweet and salty foods, hugs, playing the piano, reading, painting, wine, romance movies

Dislikes: Spicy foods, homophobic people, yelling, beer, Math, the idea of an office job, disrespectful people, creepy men, Cemeteries, his powers, feeling anxious

Fears: Losing someone he loves/Going crazy

Backstory: He was just a baby when he was adopted by James and Claire Novak after learning she couldn't conceive a child. He lived rather spoiled as his father since his father owned a multimillion-dollar company while his mother was a famous model. This leads others to either dislike him or want to use him. With his trusting personality throughout his life, he ended up with the wrong friends.

It didn't help that at the age of 5 he learned about his powers. He never understood them but at the time he thought they were his friends. It was only when he was twelve that he researched one of the ghosts he talked to and realized this entire time he'd been speaking with the dead. Being too scared to be sent to an insane asylum he kept his mouth shut but his powers only got worse.

Throughout his life, he went from being the perfect little son to arguing with his father. He wants to be an actor and perform on Broadway but his father argues that he would never succeed and would be best if he just took over his father's company. On top of that, his father wants him to get married to a woman and have a lot of children which isn't what he wants. He still loves his father though and wants to prove him wrong. Luckily he was able to convince his father to let him do a major in musical theater as long as he does a business class as well.

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