The Vampire

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Name: Elihu Orpheus

Nickname: Eli

Age: Same age as your OC though is usually under 30

Gender: Cis Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Pansexual


Species: Vampire

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Species: Vampire

Powers: Inhuman strength and speed, immortal, nocturnal vision, power increases when they have drank blood.

Likes: Reading, ballroom dancing, painting, the piano, anyone he considers his family

Dislikes: Humans, the other vampire lords, drinking human blood, fighting

Fears: Losing his family

Family: No biological family but if you'd like your OC can be considered his family

*Sunlight has no negative effects on him or other vampires in this
*He became a vampire by drinking the vampire queens blood
*He was always an orphan and never knew his real family

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