The Royal

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Name: Aurora Ashford

Age: 19

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual


Backstory: Ever since she was little Aurora was looked down upon

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Backstory: Ever since she was little Aurora was looked down upon. Being the youngest of three older brothers she never had much of a chance of being Queen. Her father always cherished his boys more than her only paying attention to her when the topic of marriage was brought up. Her mother however treated her well and always took care of her. She grew up with more privileges than most but life wasn't always easy. Especially as the kingdom had more and more enemies which meant more assassination attempts. With this in mind, her father planned for her to marry the Prince of the opposing kingdom much to her disliking of him. Though with the tension of war in the air she isn't sure she has much of a choice.

Personality: Most people don't know a lot about the Princess as she is rather quiet and stays away from public affairs. She usually does keep to herself having a regal aura to her. Though truthfully she's actually rather lonely and would love to have a friend or two. She's kind-hearted and does care about the people of her Kingdom. She does have some self-esteem issues and has a fear of failing her family and kingdom. Because of this, she tries to be the best at everything she does. She also really enjoys more feminine things and enjoys music and art. She also has some anxiety from the growing tensions so she has a bit of sword skills just in case she needs to protect herself. Overall she's a very kind person and very loving and caring to the people she loves.

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