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     Ma Plinth damn near shouts as she examines the apartment, commenting sweetly on every little thing she possibly can, acting as though it's the grandest home she's stepped foot in.

Seeing Dyess Crane drink up her kindness makes Coriolanus sick.

Tigris helps Tawny finish up the table before announcing, "Okay, everyone, dinner is served!"

Moments later, the sound of scraping silver across the dinner plates is all that's heard along with the sound of Tiberius and Strabo's laughter as Mrs. Plinth smiles warmly at Tawny.

"Mrs. Crane, you truly do have a lovely home. It's beautiful." She says after swallowing a bite of roast.

Dyess cautiously keeps an eye on the exchange, paranoid Tawny will lose her manners and lash out rudely to their guest based off the fact she simply doesn't like that the Plinths are district.

But he's been nice to Coriolanus, so if he can tolerate Snow, she can tolerate the Plinths.

"Thank you, Mrs. Plinth." She maintains her best behavior, grinning at the woman adorned in a floral printed dress.

"Please tell her it would be even more beautiful with the sound of little feet pitter-pattering down the halls." Minerva adds, sipping the wine she's clearly had too much of already.

The focus quickly becomes Tawny as everyone absentmindedly looks at her.

"Mini." Tiberius says, raising his brows.

"I'm just saying." She replies, motioning to Dyess. "Dyess agrees with me."

Tawny snaps her head to her left to look at her husband who grins at his wife.

This is quickly becoming a conversation their guests feel should not be heard by them, Tigris coming to the rescue to say, "This weather has been horrific," referring to the downcast of rain that's been hounding the Capitol endlessly. "We passed by three different vehicle accidents on the way over."

"I know it. My hair was ruined this morning before we even got inside for breakfast." Minerva states, rolling her eyes.

"That reminds me, we need to get a new set of tires, Sweetie. The tread's damn near gone." Dyess says to Tawny, to which she mutters, "Language, Dear," while he continues, "We've probably worn it out with our back and forths to work lately."

"Do you two both still work at the Citadel?" Strabo asks, cutting into a carrot.

"Yes." Tawny says to him.

"Oh, they are very accomplished scientists, aren't you, Dear?" Tiberius asks his daughter, the pride radiating off of him.

"If you say so, Dad." She humbly retorts, earning a small wink from him as Dyess finishes off his drink and pipes, "Mr. Snow, that reminds me..."

Coriolanus stops his eating, looking across from himself to stare at Dyess while Tawny's breathing stops as the two men look at one another.

"...I heard from a little birdy ," He deliberately puts emphasis on "birdy", Snow's lip nearly curling, but he keeps himself together, "That Ravenstill is going to be honoring those whose cases are chosen to be presented in the Hunger Games with medals of Resilience."

"What?" Tawny's now looking at Coriolanus, along with Livia, the two of them just as confused.

Snow takes a sip of his drink after swallowing his food.

"Your birdy is full of it." He refutes the rumor – though it's not a rumor in the slightest.

But it is confidential information.

Reprisal Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora