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     An uncomfortable heaviness spreads throughout the small group of three, accompanied by a shroud of Peacekeepers.

Snow, Tawny, and Philo approach Mayor Lockleer's home with hesitance and dragging feet.

"Remember what I said." Coriolanus reminds her under his breath.

Behave yourself , she can hear his words echo in her mind.

Fumbling with the string of pearls adorning her neck and burrowing further into the gray and black fur covering her arms and shoulders, she nods at him in acknowledgement.

The door of the home is snapping open in another blink of Tawny's brown eye, a short, bright eyed and bushy-tailed man shining bright with a wide smile.

"Mr. Snow!" He pipes, eagerly extending his hand, but Snow has already beat him to the punch, grasping control of the situation as he firmly grasps Mayor Lockleer's hand.

"Mayor Lockleer, pleased to make your acquaintance." He replies, his hand leaving his to fall to the small of Tawny's back, Philo's eyes darting from the sight of it to Mayor Lockleer once more, as Snow adds, "This is Dr. Tawny Gaul,"

"Wonderful to meet you, Dr. Gaul." Lockleer replies nervously, holding his hand out to her.

She glances at it, a lump in her throat forming—it feels like cement the way it refuses to be swallowed down, blocking her from speaking comfortably.

"And my right hand, Mr. Philo Marius," Snow doesn't miss a beat, speaking the words while he steps aside and allows Philo to be introduced to the Mayor, though the future President glares at Tawny throughout the exchange.

"Wonderful to meet you, Mayor Lockleer." Philo says to him.

"Well, let's get you all out of the cold!" Lockleer says, ushering them into his house.

It's now that they see an even shorter woman, shaking like a scared lap dog at the sight of the Capitol at their door—in their home—somewhat invading, the feeling even more looming as two Peacekeepers follow them inside.

"This is my wife, Ardith." Lockleer pipes,, a familiar charming smile coming to Snow's lips, Tawny eyeing him as he grasps Ardith's hand, warmly, stating, "A great pleasure, Mrs. Lockleer."

She blushes, Tawny raising her brows as she turns her head to look at Philo who's standing behind them, still.

He knows she's silently mocking Snow's words with her eyes, but he widens his own a smidgen as if silently telling her to cooperate.

When Coriolanus is finished with his flirting, Ardith looks at Tawny and clears her throat, plucking the woman's attention forward once more.

"It's such an honor, Dr. Gaul." She reaches for her hand, taking it by near force, paralyzing Tawny with the touch of her hand. "Truly."

Her full lip twitches, fighting back a snarl as she plucks her hand from Ardith's grasp.

"Mhmm." Is all she can muster with her brows raised for the moment, Philo swooping in to rescue her and introduce himself while Tawny quickly follows after Snow, who's following the Mayor into his living room.

It's clear they've tried to dress it up a bit to host such company, old but decently conditioned furniture, a few pieces of crystal here and there in the form of a vase, ash tray, and candle holder. It's as if they've rummaged through dumpsters of the Capitol and collected out-of-season prizes.

"Make yourselves at home." The mayor says, looking at Ardith as she comes in to say, "Is the tea ready?"

"Yes, dear." She replies, offering up, "Would you all like some tea?"

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