𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐬. (𝐄𝐍𝐆)

154 16 119


DISCLAIMER!! Gore! It's almost disgusting I suppose- Blood, too much killing, gruesome accessories.

This will shock most of you :>

Characters: Catherine the Great of Russia, Mustafa III of Turkey, Elizaveta Petrovna.



January 21, 1774.

The forest was filled with a strange quiet, and a sense of unease hung in the air. The branches of the trees swayed gently in the breeze, but with nary a sound. The birds were silent. The forest was quiet.

Catherine the Great, tsarina of Russia, walked with steady pace and an air of elegance, her braid of white hair woven into a huge intricate braid that flowed all the way down her left shoulder. Her dress was a white silk, embroidered in intricate patterns of deep red and adorned with tiny golden pearls all over the fabric.

She walked, her head held high and her steps firm, accompanied by a soldier that walked a few steps behind her. A horse-drawn chariot trotted along behind the two, the horse's hooves making soft clopping sounds on the dirt path.

The trees gradually gave way to a large clearing in the middle, filled with lush grass and a few large rocks. In the centre of the clearing stood a large oak picnic table, encircled by two simple wooden chairs.

Catherine took in the scene before her. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Mustafa III, relaxed in one of the chairs, watched her walk up with a small grin. An Ottoman soldier stood behind him, armed with a gun and a sword, ready to defend his master. The Sultan's eyes swept over Catherine, lingering on her accessories she wore, sparkling from the light of the sun.

"Sultan," Catherine started to speak, giving a small nod as if bowing.

"Tsarina," the Sultan replies, returning the nod. "I must say, you have quite a. . .striking appearance." His tone was courteous but slightly mocking. The Ottoman guard's grip on his gun tightened, his eyes locked on the Empress, ready for any unexpected attack. The Tsarina's guard also gripping on his gun.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"As you see fit," Mustafa said with a slight shrug. Catherine noticed the edge in his voice. Even though the Sultan was speaking politely, his body language was stiff and aggressive. She watched him, alerting, but her attention was quickly drawn away as the Sultan's Ottoman guard drew his gun. The Sultan held up a hand and the guard sheathed the weapon, but his eyes were still fixed on Catherine. Catherine could hear tense quiet breathing coming from behind, and saw the Sultan's eyes focused on her eyes.

The tsarina opens her mouth to speak "So, about our political situation-" Catherine had planned to keep the meeting civil and calm, but it was quickly evident that the Turk was not in the same mood. He cut her off as soon as she opened her mouth to speak, his voice sharp and commanding.

"The only thing you should take from this meeting is that I am your opponent," he says, "and I will not stop until I get what I want."

Catherine took a deep breath to compose herself, knowing that it would be a mistake to show anger and lose control.

"No." She responds firmly yet confidently. "What I take from the story is the idea we have to destroy each other to gain is dumb and destructive."

"Did you just call me dumb . ?"  He retorted, his body language shifting to a more intimidating and threatening stance. The Sultan was taken aback by Catherine's reply, his eyebrows furrowing in surprise. He had not expected such a straightforward response from the Empress.

♡ו.Historical Figures Oneshots(FR et ANGL).•×♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora