Chapter : 5

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nsfw-  I'm so sleepy save me

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That seemed to stop him in his tracks. "I...don't know."

Minghao sighed. "You should kill me. I know too much."

"You probably shouldn't say that to somebody you suspect is a murderer."

"If I was going to tell anybody I would have by now," Minghao admitted. "If that's what you're worried about."

"It's not. I'm...not."

"That's good," Minghao managed before his eyes unfocused and his head lolled on his shoulders.

Junhui's palms suddenly cupped his face. "Hey. What are you on?"

Minghao shrugged, his lids going to half-mast. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Junhui echoed, his thumbs pulling at the skin just beneath Minghao's eyes, like he'd tattooed the answers under the skin there.

"I told Bailey to surprise me. I have to admit, I'm surprised," Minghao confided, his hand reaching out to cup Junhui's face the way he was cupping his. "What are we doing?"

Junhui snorted. "I'm trying to make sure you don't die of a drug overdose. What are you doing?"

Minghao splayed his fingers over Junhui's cheekbones. "You're really pretty. Has anybody ever told you that?" Minghao asked, examining him for even a single flaw but finding none.

Junhui snorted. "Yes."

"Oh," Minghao said, letting his hands fall. He hated how defeated he sounded.

Junhui didn't drop his arms, though, just continued to cup Minghao's face in his large hands.

"You're really...big," Minghao said, letting his gaze roam from Junhui's booted feet to the top of his head. Well, as much as he could while Junhui held his face hostage.

Junhui tilted his head once more. "No, I'm average in size. You're just kind of small."

Minghao scoffed. "Not where it counts."

That wasn't really the truth either. He was pretty proportionate in every way. He didn't know why he said it, but Junhui grinned and Minghao's heart tripped in his chest. What was wrong with him?

Minghao couldn't help but notice Junhui's pointy incisors. He pressed a finger to the sharpened point. "Are you secretly a Cullen? You have vampire teeth. Is that why you're so pretty?"

The grin slipped from Junhui's lips, and he closed his mouth, trapping Minghao's finger between his jaws briefly, just enough for Minghao to feel the pointed tip press into him. Not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to leave an indentation. Still, Minghao's dick took notice.

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