chapter 10

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Seungkwan hid in the bathroom, unable to stop the hot tears rolling down his cheeks or the sobs that racked his body

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Seungkwan hid in the bathroom, unable to stop the hot tears rolling down his cheeks or the sobs that racked his body. He sat in the corner, grateful he'd cleaned it just an hour before. He'd expected Minseo to get violent. With him, it was almost a given. Seungkwan could set his watch by his outbursts. But bringing up Fountain view, bringing up that piece of shit tech who'd abused him in ways Seungkwan could never wash away? Somehow, that hurt worse than any physical blow.

Maybe because Minseo was right. His mother would believe him over Seungkwan. She believed anybody with money and status and thought, in her addled brain, that if she just catered to their every whim she'd gain access to the life she always wanted, the life she blamed Seungkwan for taking from her. His mother thought any abuse could be endured if the apology gift had a big enough price tag.

Seungkwan startled at the knock on the door. "Occupied," he said, voice thick with tears.


Seungkwan heart squeezed at the sound of Hansol's voice, low and smooth and always calm. Nothing rattled Hansol. Ever. Not even when he'd held a knife to Minseo's throat...for Seungkwan. To protect him.

"I'll be out in a minute," he said, hating the way his voice lifted at the end in that almost feminine way that had driven his father nuts from the time Seungkwan was just a little boy.

There was a hesitation, then the sound of the door handle turning, then a hand jutted through a crack in the door, holding a plastic bottle. "I thought you might want some water."

The gesture only made Seungkwan cry harder. He clapped a hand over his mouth to hide the pathetic whimpers, then grabbed the water bottle, grateful when the door closed once more. Seungkwan sniffled, pressing his head back against the cold tile, taking a few sips of the frigid water. "Thanks," he said, not even sure Hansol was still on the other side of the door.

"You're welcome."

Seungkwan gave a watery smile, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. Hansol. Seungkwan lifted his hand, closing his eyes, allowing his own thumb to trace the pattern Hansol's had taken just seconds before Minseo had ruined everything. Seungkwan had thought he might kiss him. He'd looked into his eyes with such...intensity.

But that was Hansol. Intense. He was like some brooding YA hero. Tall and muscled, chestnut hair swept away from his perfectly chiseled square jaw, and pillowy lips that Seungkwan dreamed of feeling on his. Not that he ever would, especially not after what had just happened in the shop.

Seungkwan took another swig of his drink just as Hansol's voice came from the other side of the door. "You know, I would keep you safe...if you would just let me."

"What?" Seungkwan asked, breathless.

There was no answer. Hansol must have walked away. Who said something like that and then just walked away? Hansol. He was complex; contemplative and quiet one minute, laughing and joking with moronic frat boys the next. Jekyll and Hyde. Seungkwan had no way of knowing which was the real Hansol. He clearly had no ability to gauge who people truly were on the inside.

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