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In the valleys where the mountains stand tall,
A tale unfolds, an anthem for all.
Malala, a name like a blooming flower,
A spirit resilient, an indomitable power.

Born in the Swat Valley, where rivers wind,
A voice emerged, compassionate and kind.
In the shadow of peaks, a girl arose,
Malala, whose story forever flows.

Her pen, mightier than any sword,
A beacon of knowledge, a powerful chord.
In classrooms where dreams should thrive,
She dared to speak, to strive.

A child of letters, she yearned to learn,
In the face of adversity, her courage would burn.
With each word penned, a revolution's start,
A call for education, a beating heart.

Taliban's darkness sought to impose,
A silence profound, where fear grows.
But Malala, like a fearless dove,
Refused to yield to a world devoid of love.

On a bus, beneath the Swat Valley's gaze,
A coward's bullet aimed to erase.
Yet, her spirit, unyielding and bright,
Emerged from the shadows, a beacon of light.

In Birmingham's embrace, a healing balm,
A second chance, a soothing calm.
From hospital walls to the Nobel stage,
Malala's journey, an epic engage.

The youngest laureate, a Nobel prize,
For courage unyielding, that never dies.
A voice for girls denied their right,
To education's empowering light.

Malala, a symbol, not just of Pakistan,
But of resilience that the world began.
Her words, like echoes across the hills,
A testament to the power of will.

In the corridors of Oxford's halls,
She continued to break down walls.
Not just a survivor, but a leader true,
Malala, the world looks up to you.

Her story, a verse in humanity's song,
Of rights and justice, where she belongs.
A symbol of hope, determination's face,
In every heart, a sacred space.

Malala, a name etched in history's pen,
A champion for girls, again and again.
In the tapestry of courage, she's a thread,
A heroine whose light will never shed.

So let her story echo through the years,
A melody of triumph over fears.
Malala, a beacon in the night,
Guiding us towards a world that's right.

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