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In shadows deep, where moonlight weaves,
A black dog roams among the eaves.
Atos, the guardian of the night,
Silent steps in the pale moonlight.

His fur, a cloak of onyx hue,
A mystery in the twilight's view.
Eyes gleam with tales untold,
In every bark, a story unfolds.

Through fields of dreams, he gracefully trots,
A guardian spirit, connecting the dots.
In the realm of shadows and moonbeam glow,
Atos dances where secrets flow.

A loyal companion, a friend so true,
His heart, a constellation in the midnight blue.
Underneath the canvas of the starry dome,
Atos, the black dog, finds his home.

Through whispers of the night, his presence known,
A sentinel in darkness, a spirit to be shown.
In the tapestry of the nocturnal sky,
Atos, the black dog, forever nigh.

A/N : this is about my other dog , Atos

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