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In shadows cast by the moon's soft glow,
Pablo, the cat with fur aglow.
Grey and black, a twilight disguise,
Whiskers twitch under midnight skies.

Silent paws dance on the velvet night,
Pablo prowls in the pale moonlight.
His fur, a tapestry of shadows and grace,
A feline poet in a secret space.

Golden eyes gleam with a cosmic spark,
In the realm of dreams, Pablo embarks.
Through alleys dark and rooftops high,
A moonlit troubadour beneath the sky.

Whispers of the night, his lullaby,
Pablo, the cat, with a curious eye.
In the chiaroscuro of the silent street,
He weaves tales only the moonlight can meet.

A sleek silhouette against the stardust air,
Pablo, the feline with a flair.
In the symphony of the night's refrain,
He paints the world with a mysterious stain.

A/N. : This is about my cat , Pablo

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