Prologue 2

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The mysterious figure, that resembled a grandfather, had dropped Constance at Wool's Orphanage. It was an orphanage the older man was well acquainted with, only hoping for a different outcome for their newest resident. Their was a slight worry in the man, after changing his appearance to fit in with the muggles. After repeatedly using a sleeping jinx on the girl, keeping her unconscious throughout the hours of the morning, she had been placed in her new home for the time being.

Growing up in Wool's Orphanage had given Constance a hard time. The other kids, older and younger, made her feel as if she was an outcast. They had been intimidated by her quick witted nature, and her intelligence. This meant she was often left to her own devices, waiting for the day for a couple to welcome her into their growing family.

New family after new family came with an interest, hearing the whispers of the other kids talk about her. They always were curious of her. Looking in the window to her dorm in passing, always in the same position of reading. The bluntness attitude she displayed left the willing families to rule her out of their choosing.

Then came the day an older man came. Constance was on the cusp of turning eleven, with nearing April. The smart dressed man joined her on the edge of her bed, not uttering a word as she finished the page she was reading.

"Fascinating book, i must say." He spoke, looking forward.

"You know it?" She sheepishly turned her eyes to look at him, shoulders hunched.

"Of course; where i'm from, their are books like this lining all four walls of a room." He turned to Constance with a chuckle.

This had brought her attention. In the orphanage there was only a limited supply of books, tarnished by other children who lacked the appreciation for literature. "Where are you from?" She asked, folding her book to a close.

The man did not answer, instead he looked around the familiar room. Then he paused on her desk, noticing a spot of charred wood that contrasted against the light beige wood. "What happened there?"

Following his eyes, she saw the wooden desk. "You wouldn't believe me if i told you." Her eyes averted away from the desk, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm all ears,"

Constance took a deep breath, looking bashful towards the man, "I did it, only a couple months ago." She looked over again, to see if he was still listening. "The problem is that i did it with my hand, honest!" She had a look of panic, "Something like that had never happened before, and i don't know when it will happen again."

The man had interrupted her, standing up and causing the old bed to creek. He to a two step stroke to touch the charred wood. As he focused on the dark spot, he couldn't help but compare the young girl behind him to a boy he met decades ago. Luckily they had different attitudes to their newfound power.

"How would you feel attending a school that can help with your powers?" He turned, then placed a hand in front of him. "I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Constance was not in any way stupid, the opposite in fact. She of all people would know magic isn't real, even though she had produced fire out of nowhere. She looked at his hand, then to his face.

"Are you sure one of the others here hasn't put you up to this?" She looked into his eyes, not breaking her dark stare for one second as her mood changed drastically.

"I am infinitely sure. In fact," He pulled a long stick from his inner pocket, "i can show you." He picked up the pit filled with pencils and pens, gently lifted her limp wrist to place it in. He uttered no words, but with a. flick of his supposed wand turned it into a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Constance was flabbergasted, looking at the flowers from all angles. "You will be able to do that, if you attended a wizarding school. Not being biased but i see my school best fit for you."

She could only look at the flowers, debating on what to decide. "Where will i stay?" she didn't look away from the flowers.

"Well, for the term, you will be staying on grounds. Then holidays, such as christmas, you will have to option to return here or stay at Hogwarts. Then when the year comes to a close, you will be returned here for the summer to return in September."

He then pulled out a letter addressed to her.

Ms. C Riddle
The room down the hall on the second floor
Wool's Orphanage

"Keep it in mind." Dumbledore smiled at her, "The groundskeeper, Rubeus Hagrid, will be here tomorrow. If your answer is a yes, then he shall take you to gather your supplies. If not then you are welcome to stay here." Then the older man walked out, making short conversation with Mrs. Cole before leaving.

If there's a spelling mistake i'm sorry i quickly read over it. Obviously she goes to hogwarts it will start in Chamber of secrets.

No one knows that Constance is voldemort's daughter, she doesn't even know. The only people who know that Tom is voldemort is (obviously) dumbledore, eventually harry, olivander and then everyone (based on what i've read)

screenshots below in case you want to see (i didn't explain at all)

screenshots below in case you want to see (i didn't explain at all)

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