Lilac, not lavender

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A now fourteen year old Constance Riddle was sat on the Slytherin table with a bowl of sweetened porridge in front of her. She had a spaced out expression, hearing the harsh whispers of someone nearby. She tried calculating who it was in her head, yet she was left unanswered. It sounded like no one she knew. She was brought out of her trance like state by Adrian Pucey.

Adrian Pucey was a boy in her year and house she got on with in their shared lessons. Constance Riddle, a girl who preferred solitude, had always allowed Adrian to socialise with her.

"Good morning, Constance." He smiled, pulling up his own plate of honeyed toast. "What's got you so lost in thought?" He lightly elbowed her side, lifting a borderline amount of honey onto his already honeyed toast.

"Noth-" she was interrupted by the yelling of what she learnt was a howler.

"RONALD WEASLEY!" the yell of Mrs.Weasley echoed the now quiet Great Hall from the Gryffindor table. "HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR!" Ron Weasley's face spoke for itself with the quivering lip and hands. "I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW DACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK, AND ITS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE WILL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!"

After the howler had torn itself to shreds, no one knew whether to laugh or not. Luckily, the glass wear in the table had finally halted its ripple.

After the commotion, the bell rung making Constance and Adrian leave the hall for their first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with Gilderoy Lockhart.

Sitting next to her "acquaintance", Lockhart began his lesson.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher..." He came out of his office, standing at the beginning of the stairs. The Slytherins looked around, waiting to see who he was on about. Only to be met of paintings of himself, and a painting of him painting himself...

"Me!" He made his way down the stairs with a certain suave in his step. Looking around the room, Constance saw a mixture of faces in the class. Some boys and girls had a look of awe as he walked down the isles of chairs. Others, including Constance, looked at him with confusion at his arrogance.

As he finished his boasting, he made his way back to the front. He smiled at the class as he cocked a hip and put the following hand onto the mahogany desk.

"I see you have all bought my complete set of books - well done. I thought we would start the year of with a small quiz." The fourth year Slytherins' all sighed as they had not studied for a test, especially at the beginning of the term. "Nothing to to stress, it's just to see how much you have taken in."

As the final paper rested on the desk in the back corner, they now had thirty minutes to complete fifty-four questions... about Gilderoy Lockhart.

Constance seemed to share the same disgust of the teacher with Adrian as he turned his head to her after reading the first question, furrowing his brows and pouting his lips.

Chuckling to herself, she started the quiz. After the multiple guesses she did, Lockhart collected the tests. He sighed at tutted when he picked up Constance's paper.

"You should know my favourite colour isn't lavender, it's lilac-" he spoke with a faux sincerity. Yet he interrupted himself as he looked down to see Constance's name. He looked back up and gave a "charming" smile to the girl in question. "Riddle, hmmm." He looked deep into her eyes, "Do i know your parents?"

"Doubt it, i don't even know them." She spoke quietly, hoping to not cause a scene. This wish went quick as her class was busy looking at her. She slouched in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest.

Gilderoy stopped in shock, one at the blunt answer and two the attitude a "celebrity" like him was receiving from a common person.

"Well," her looked down at her sheet of paper, "Connie-"

"It's Constance." Her gaze darkened as she looked at Gilderoy Lockhart, he felt himself turn cold and stricken with fear at the fourteen year old girl.

"Right," he voice cracked, leaving him to shortly clear his throat, "Constance, you will have detention with me. After classes." He straightened his jacket and made his way back to the front of the class, seemingly resorting back to his façade with a charming smile.

hiii hope you enjoy

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