Blood On The Wall

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Fred had easily caught up to the Slytherin, granted he had a height advantage. As Fred was about to ask Constance where they were going, they had ended up just behind groups of students in the second floor corridor. Looking down, both the Gryffindor and Slytherin realised the state of the bottom of their robes. They had been drenched in water.

Disregarding the wet feeling of her robes, Constance was going up in her toes to see what the message on the wall said. Hearing the mumbles of the students, she wanted to know what the hold up was.

Then she read;


Fred looked at her with horror, yet not uttering a word. He didn't know what to say, or what to believe. There was a clear voice in his head saying that Connie had something to do with the blood smeared on the walls; just a minute ago, she said she heard a voice that smelt blood. The other voice was saying that she couldn't have, seeing as she seemed terrified and was with him the whole time. Still conflicted in his mind, he pulled Constance behind him as he walked forwards to see more.

"Enemies of the heir, beware!" Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin second year, yelled. Students of all years were gossiping, creating theories on who did it-majority of them hinting at the fact that it was Harry Potter. "You'll be next, Mudbloods." The blonde boy directed his hurtful comment to Hermione Granger and other muggle borns.

A gruff yell pushed their way through the sea of students; that being Filch, a care taker that had no care for anyone other than his cat. The caretaker looked menacingly at Harry Potter, then followed by yelling.

Dumbledoor swiftly interrupted the threats given to the young boy. The opposite hallway to Constance and Fred revealed the mystical man, along with Professors Mcgonagal, Snape, and Lockhart.

"Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." Both groups of students turned to disband, "Everyone except, you three." Constance held her breath as she turned to look at the headmaster. Luckily enough, Dumbledoor pointed to Harry, Hermione, and Ron. She noticed Fred look at her as she realised her breath. Dumbledoor had a look of caution as he looked over towards Constance, for the slightest second.

Back in her dormitory, Constance found herself unable to sleep. Her two roommates were happily sleeping away, only brushing over the fact that there was blood on the walls hours prior.

She laid on her back, discussing in her head what to do to pass the time. The waves of the water gently pressed against the window, one thing that absolutely terrified her-who's to say that one day the windows won't smash and fill up the room?

She slowly slipped out of bed, trying her hardest for nothing to creek. Slipping on her slippers, she peered at her dorm mates. Luckily enough they had been practically knocked out.

Walking down into the common room, she could hear the crackle of the wood. The Slytherin common room, although very dark a dreary, it had a sense of comfort for Constance and fellow Slytherins. The green glow climbed up the walls to give her a clear path to the exit.

Then, a cough was heard. Constance's eyes shot up, hoping it wasn't her head of house. She kept tiptoeing down the last few steps then through the common room. Realising she hasn't heard anything again, she turned around.

"Bloody hell!" She exclaimed, holding a hand to her heart as it rapidly beat. It turns out it was only Adrian Pucey, and he was standing right behind Constance.

"Alright, i'm not that ugly!" Adrian defensively crossed his arms as he looked at the girl he considered a friend.

"No you're gorgeous," Constance mimicked his stance, with a cock of her hip and a roll of her eyes. "What are you doing up?"

"That 'Chamber of Secrets' thing." A visible shiver ran through Adrian. "What's got you up?"

Constance debated whether to tell Adrian the voice she had heard when she was with Fred. "Same, i was just going to the library."

"Okay. Don't get caught, see you tomorrow. Night," Adrian waved as he walked over to the boys dorm stairs.

"Night." Constance returned the wave as she made her way out of the Slytherin common room, then the dungeons.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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