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Over the past few months of the beginning of school, Constance had a multitude of detentions given to her by Gilderoy Lockhart. The said professor had given her another one for this evening.

Professor Lockhart strutted his way out of the office to be met with a straight faced Constance. He sighed in relief, "There you are Connie-"

"Constance." The irritated girl interrupted, crossing her arms.

"Constance," he gritted through his pearly white teeth, "Almost thought you got lost." He flared his arms around in a rehearsed manner.

"I'm on time." Constance spoke in a monotone voice as she stared at him.

"Right. Well, you shall be spending your detention in the Greenhouses." He leant an outstretched arm on the wall, "Greenhouse Two, i believe."

The professor was wrong. She was not in Greenhouse Two, she was in Five. A mistake like that would be excusable, if they weren't on opposite sides of the castle.

Walking into the greenhouse, she was meant to be in, she was met with a hunched over Professor Sprout. Constance subtly cleared her throat, announcing her presence. This brought the professor out of her frazzled state and shot up to see Constance's tense posture.

"Ah, Miss Riddle! Almost thought you weren't coming." She dusted off her hands on her brown coat. "Any reason you were," she looked at the intricate designed clock, "half an hour late?"

"It's Professor Lockhart," Constance sighed as she crossed her arms together. "He can't tell the difference between a watch and a mirror." She rolled her eyes and heard a huff of laughter behind her.

"Mr Weasley! So good of you to join us." Constance turned to see one of the Weasley twins behind her finishing his laughing. "Now, why might you be late."

"Same reason as Riddle." He picked up a piece of a leaf on the wall beside him and looked at it in detail.

"Mr Weasley." Professor Sprout huffed with her arms firm on her hips.

"Yeah?" He looked up and raised his eyebrows whilst he dropped the leaf, leaving it to fall back into place.

"I'm the one that gave you the detention."

"Oh yeah, yeah." He furrowed his brows and nodded. (like that one scene in ootp when Hermione duels Ron and George gives him the sickle.)

The professor only sighed a laugh the ginger as she turned around to pick up two separate plants. "Here you are." She smiled towards the two fourth years. She described the proper way to trim the leaves, then gestured to another twenty on the end of the table. As she was about to leave through the door, she turned around and addressed the Weasley, "Oh, and Mr Weasley?" He turned his head away from the scissors in his hands, "Detention, in here, tomorrow."
The twin just sighed as he slumped back in the chair.

There was an awkward silence that lingered over the pair as they cut away at the leaves. They never really got on, or even socialised with each other.

"What one are you?" Constance asked with no shame as she placed the scissors back on the table looking at the ginger boy opposite her.

"George," he replied with a smile and a roll of his eyes. He kept at his task at hand as Constance still looked at him.

"No you're not."

His eyes shot up, "How did you know?" He looked at her in disbelief.

"I didn't, but now i do." Constance had a smug smile as she continued trimming the leaves. It was another awkward ten minutes between the two. Only hearing the snips of scissors and the fall of leaves.

"Connie-" Fred looked at Constance with his head resting on his hand.


"Tom-ay-to, tom-ar-to." Fred rolled his eyes and flicked his wrist in dismissal. "Anyways-"

"Do you hear that?" Constance interrupted again, looking frantically around the room. She was hearing a voice whispering.


"Can you stop interrupting!" Fred complained with a flair of his arms.

"Are you sure you can't hear it?" She ignored his annoyance as she looked around the greenhouse, only seeing Fred and other plants.

"Nothings there! You're hearing things." Fred huffed a sigh, then took a breath to speak.

" hungry...for so long..."

"It's hungry!" She had a sudden burst of energy to try and prove Fred wrong. She walked around the class to try and find the originator.

Fred turned in his seat to talk to Constance. "Connie, are you-"

"Constance." She responded in the monotone voice she constantly uses with correcting her name. Although she didn't look over to Fred, he could tell she had a look of disgust.

She began to lift up empty plant pots, only gazed on the mandrakes in caution. She even went to the extreme of climbing on a rickety, old chair.

"Listen, if you're hearing voices you might wanna get it checked out." Fred sighed as he crossed his arms and slouched in the wooden chair. "I'm sure there's a place for you at St. Mungo's."

"Fred! Shut up!" Constance turned to the relaxed ginger with an exasperated look on her face. He had an evident look of shock on his face as he put his hands up in surrender.

She could tell he was about to say something, so she ran over to cover his mouth as she heard the hissing louder than ever.

"...I smell blood...I SMELL BLOOD!"

Her face dropped to a look stricken by fear. She looked down into Fred as he looked up at her with curiosity.

"It smells blood." Constance gulped as she spoke to him. She ripped her hand off of his face and practically ran out of the room to go see what had happened.

"Connie!" Fred yelled as he shot jo to chase after her, distantly hearing her shout "Constance!"

heyyy are you enjoying it so far? i kinda like this chapter ngl

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