Chapter 18

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Quincy pulled up at Lola's house around 8 knocking on the door.  She walks down throwing on her robe.  She opens it. 

"Sup baby.  I need a key"

"Hey, you smell good as usual. And we ain't together for all that now"

"Just for you baby. And whatever"

They walked up to Lola's bedroom.  Lola sits on the bed while he sits on the sofa next to her bed.

"So what is it? " Lola said

"You ready to be mines? "

"I would love that"

"for real"

"But what is it between you and Nia?"

"What about her"

"you said you still love her but y'all have a kid together.  Why do I get the sense there's more to it"

Quincy leans up putting his hands on his chin.

"You can talk to me"

"I know," he said smartly

"So tell me"

"Man.  She was everything to me.  I loved that girl from the bottom of my heart. Since middle school when I first saw her.  Yeah, we were young.  I've fucked up plenty of times but she stays by me.  After our son was born I ain't won't her to work.  You take care of him I got everything else.  She just up and left out blue which tore me up"

Lola sees how hurt he is and he still does love her by how he explains It.

"Now that she's back it's like fucking with me. Mix feelings when I see her.  And trying to move on.  Like I know I don't want her at all. Man it's too much on me right now"

"Then maybe us being together ain't the best move Quincy. I'm not getting caught in between y'all. I love you too.  But you also love another female.  "

Quincy gets up getting mad cause he wants this relationship with Lola and to hear she doesn't won't it tore him up. Lola gets up stopping him from moving back and forth.

"Stop.  You need to figure out what you are going to do.  I'm here if you need to talk"

"Why it sounds like you putting me in a friend zone? "

"I didn't say that. "

"Well it sounds like it," he said grabbing his keys he sat on the dresser.

"Don't be like that?" She said

"I'll hit you later "


He walks out and she follows him stopping him at the door. 

"Quincy stop"

"Move Lola"

"No, I'm not.  Stop acting like that.  And you not leaving out of here like that.  I don't give a fuck how mad you are. We suppose to be real with each other and talk shit out. You can't be getting mad at everything and wanting to leave without talking about it. You got me fucked up "

Quincy raised his eyebrow cause no female ever talked to him like that. 

"Bring your ass in here and sit down. The fuck.  Bringing them bad spirits my house"

Quincy laughs walking to the living room and sitting down on the couch.  Lola came back into the living room lighting the sage. 

"What you doing? "

"Making sure your ass don't leave no type of bad anything in my house.  This a Christian home"

"Put that shit out"

"Your attitude gone? "

"Yeah man," he said laughing


Lola came and sat down. 

"Now what I was saying is.  I want this relationship with you.  But you have to handle this with your baby's mother.  I'm serious"

"I hear you, Lola"

"Good.  Now can you rub my feet? " she said with a puppy dog face

"Come here"

She walks over climbing on top of him.  He rubs his hands through her hair. 

"I can't lose you"

"Then don't," She said

He grabs her neck kissing her. 

"Come on I'm tired for real" he said

As bad as he wanted Lola. He ain't won't to have sex with Lola since he already fucked Nia.  It'll be fucked up to Lola if he did do her like that.  She was different to him but she was right.  He was still stuck on Nia.  Not even mentioning Melody. 

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