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The next day Lola gets up ready for her new open house. She had 3 to show today. She felt like she had not focusing on her job and it was starting to fuck with her mentally.

4hours later she was at her last open house. She was too busy talking to a client that may want the house. It was a 5-bed 3-bath fully furnished with a 2-car garage and fully fenced-in. She didn't notice Romel would be standing in front of her just looking. After she was done he walked up to her.

"What are you doing here?" Lola said confused.

"Heard you were showing houses today and wanted to stop by," He said grabbing her face.

Lola steps back.

"So are you here to buy? "

"Yea, I'm moving here."

"Moving Here? Why? "

"Be close to you" he said moving closer to Lola


"So what you don't want me no more?"

"Romel this is not the time or the place for this right now"

Standing face to face Romel touched her face again. Quincy pulls up wanting to apologize for yesterday. He walks in the house to the kitchen seeing a dude all up Lola touching her. He folds his arms not saying anything. He just wanted to hear this conversation.

"So when is the right time?" he said

"Why did you even come back? "

"For you. Been ignoring a nigga for a whole month and a half. What's up with that? You love me or that nigga?" he said

"She definitely loves this nigga" Quincy said breaking up the conversation.

Lola looks up and sees Quincy with his arms folded looking at Romel.

"Quincy," Lola said

He puts his hand up.

"So you want this nigga or what? " Quincy said walking over to both of them.


"Well tell him that then."

"Don't come in here acting like you running shit"

"Nobody said I was. Might as well get it off your chest now" He said

"So what's up? " Romel asked

Lola looks at both of them like they are crazy. So she laughs.

"Ain't shit funny," Quincy said

"No, but both y'all can get the fuck out. I'm at work. And I don't need two men who love me at my place of business. "

"So you not gone answer the question"

"No Quincy I want. I told you yesterday what's was up and what you say to me hmmm? " looking at Quincy "Then Romel that night I called you back what did you say to me? " she said looking at him. "Right, both of y'all came at me. Y'all want me to be real. Romel I want Quincy that's that. But Quincy I'm not going be with you if all we do is argue every damn day of our lives" Lola said finishing up and putting up appliances. She walks to the door and sees them just standing there. "The door open," She said talking to them.

"So you want this nigga? " Romel said becoming angry.

"You heard her," Quincy said

"Nigga I wasn't talking to you"

"Y'all Like Dead ass right now? " Lola said seeing them about to go at it in the house she trying to sell.

"But you are now," Quincy said turning towards him.

"GET THE FUCK OUT" Lola yells.

They both look at her. Romel was the first to leave.

"Coo. " Romel said leaving getting in his car driving off.

Quincy stayed standing not giving a fuck who she was talking to.

"You too," she said

"I ain't going nowhere"

"Quincy I'm not sitting in this house because you feel some type of way," Lola said standing with the door open.

Quincy walks towards the door and goes outside. Lola locks up going to her car and Quincy is right behind her grabbing her hand. She turns around.

"What? " She said

"You meant what you said in the house? "

"Yes, I did. I'm losing myself over you two. And I'm not about to stick around if that's the case. My job is way more important than going back and forth with you every day about bitches and niggas."

"I came to apologize for how I treated you yesterday. Didn't expect for him to be here"

"Me neither. But he was "

"I heard it. "

"Okay so now you know don't want him or even love him," she said opening her car door and shutting it. She was still upset by his action yesterday.

Quincy knocks on the window. She raised it down looking at him.

"Let me take you to dinner. And before you say no. Just let me" Quincy said.

"I'll think about it," she said starting her car driving off.

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