Chapter 31

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Lola and Quincy sound asleep when Lola pops up hearing glass breaking in the living room. 

"Quincy" She whispers as she shakes him. 

"What's up baby? " he said whipping his eyes. 

Quincy heard the noise pops up getting his gun from under the bed. 

"Get up and get in the closet," He said

Lola did exactly what he said.  She got in the closet shutting it.  Quincy cock his gun back opening up his door slowly.  A shot rang out going through the door. Quincy ducks. 

"BABY" Lola yells. 


As they continue to shoot.  Quincy was thinking of who came into his spot let alone find out where he stayed.  Quincy had his back against the wall holding his gun down.  It takes his left hand lifting his gun and shooting out the door. 

"Fuck" Somebody said. 

Quincy knew he hit somebody.  They start rushing out.  Quincy quickly opens his door letting out shots towards his back door.  (And he got good ass aim too) hitting the same person again having him fall.  Quincy saw the dude running over to him still letting off shots and hitting another dude and seeing him fall.  2 dudes got in the car and drove away leaving the other two on the ground. Quincy walks up pointing the gun at the dude's head. 

"Don't shoot me man" the dude said with a face mask on. 

"Get your bitch ass up"

"I can't man my leg"

"Nigga I don't give a fuck.  Get up"

The dude got limping into the house. Lola was still in the closet.  She comes out slowly hearing a dude moan in pain.  She went to her cougroundbung her gun too.  She sees the door with a lot of bullet holes in them.  Walking out to the living room she sees a man with a face mask on.  She points her gun right at him seeing Quincy come into the house with another dude limping.

"Told your ass to stay in the Closet"

"I had to make sure you were okay"

"I'm straight.  Go get my phone"

Lola comes back in handing him his phone.  Quincy calls Melvin and Mark.  They rushed over within two minutes it seems like.  Melvin rushed in holding his gun. 

"Fuck happened? "

", Baby pack us up some clothes"

Lola left out went into the bedroom

"Shit we sound asleep and these nigga broke into my shit letting off shots "

"Nigga why you ain't take the face mask off? "

Melvin walked over to them seeing them tied up already.  He removes the face mask revealing their faces. 

"Well well well. " Quincy says. 

Lola walks back out with the bags sitting them out the door and looking over at Llody and Jodan. 

"Are you kicking seriously? " Lola said coming to Jordan. 

Quincy stops her from going any closer. 

"Nah you good, go continue packing"

"No why the fuck would you do that? " She asked Jordan

Jordan looks at her smiling. 

"Ain't shit funny.  Now look at you.  Thought you were going come to kill me? " Lola asked

"It was on my mind," Jordan said

Lola stole off on him. 

"Felt good baby," He said laughing. 

Lola was pissed off walking away.  Quincy hit his ass with the gun

"How did you find me? " Quincy asked Jordan. 

"Wasn't too hard to find nigga"

Quincy hit him with the pistol again seeing blood coming from his mouth. 

"Now you asking to be dead nigga" Quincy said

Melvin and Mark got these niggas up taking them to Melvin's car.  They put them in.

"Kill them niggas" Quincy said. 

Melvin nodded getting in the car with Mark they drove off.  Quincy walks back Into the house looking at Lola ready to go. 

"Let's go," he said. 

They get in the car and go to Lola's house.  Driving in silence.

"What's gone happen to them? " she asked

"Don't worry about all that"

"Quincy tell me"

"You should know"

Lola sits back knowing they about to get killed.  She did already know she just wanted to be sure. 

Quincy looks over at her. 

"You still love that nigga? "

"No, I don't.  Feel bad?  A little"

"You feel bad for that nigga coming after you time after time.  You sound fucking stupid"

And Lola knew it was right. 

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