Chapter 44

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Quincy pulled up to the trap house getting out slamming his door.  He walked into the apartment looking at Melvin. 

"Fuck wrong with you? " Melvin asked

"Man," Quincy said sitting down. 

"what's good? " Mark asked

"Lola just told me some shit that just that fucked a nigga up"

"Bro she tough.  I told you that"

The whole time Quincy was followed by the same niggas he shot up months ago.  They get out of the car and walk into the apartment complex seeing Quincy walk in and slam the door.  10 minutes later.  They bust in the door shooting.  Quincy got shot in his shoulder falling. 

"Fuck" Quincy said

Melvin dropped down on the floor grabbing the gun from under the couch and letting out shots towards the door.  Mark ran to the kitchen knocking over the wooded table and seating  behind it letting off his shot. 

"BITCH ASS NIGGAS" a dude shouted leaving out. 

Melvin got up seeing them run out.  He saw Quiny in pain holding his shoulder. 

"Aye let go" Melvin yelled for Mark. 

Quincy gets up holding his shoulder.  Seeing blood pouring down his shirt.  Melvin grabbed the drugs and put everything back in the bags putting them to the car before the police got there.  Melvin was already in the car driving off with Quincy to the hospital. 

Mark. Pulled up to his house rushed out of the car and grabbed the bags from the back seat.  He rushed to his door seeing Melody sitting waiting on him..

"Hey baby"

"Melody, what are you doing here? "

Melvin and Melody have known each other since they were little too.  They started fucking around behind Quincy's back 6 months ago. 

"You know why"

"It ain't a good time right now,"  Melvin said unlocking his door and walking inside. 

Melody was behind him seeing him in a rush. 

"What's wrong? "

"Nigga ran up in the spot and shot Quincy"

"IS HE OKAY? " Melody said becoming worried. 

"Yeah, he gone be alright.  But I got to go"

"I'm coming with "

"Hell no.  We can't be walking in together"

"I'll come after you"

"No bro.  Just wait until you hear about it just like everybody else" Melvin said waiting for her to walk out the door so he could lock it. 

4 hours later

Quincy's Mom there sitting beside him looking at him like he had lost his mind. 

"You wont learn boy," His mother said

"Ma not right now man"

Quincy knew his mother was gone be on that ass. She knew Exactly what her son does.  And telling him over and over again about what can happen.  He never listens so she stops giving advice and being there. 

"You gone hear my mouth.  You laying here in pain cause of the shit you do.  Get your shit together boy" she said getting up

His mother Shelly was 60 years old. Still standing as beautiful as ever with grey short hair.

Meldoy walks into the shop and rushes to the back of Courtney office telling her that Quincy is a shop and call Lola

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Meldoy walks into the shop and rushes to the back of Courtney office telling her that Quincy is a shop and call Lola. 

Lola gets home taking off her shoes.  She tried calling Quincy but he didn't pick up.  She took a shower got out and sat on her bed putting lotion all over her body. Her phone begins to ring seeing it's Courtney. 

"Sup sis? " Lola said picking up. 

"Quincy was shot"

"Don't fucking play with me"

Melody grabs the phone from Courtney. 

"This is Melody.  He really is"

"And how do you know? " Lola said getting up and putting on her clothes and shoes. 

"I ran into Mark.  He was in a rush saying Quincy was shot"

"You know the hospital? "


Lola hangs up.  Rushing downstairs grabbing her purse and keys.  She begins blowing Quincy's phone up not getting an answer.  She went to the nearest hospital.  She pulled in the front of the building not giving a fuck about a ticket.  Courtney sees her getting out of her car with Melody.  Courtney hopped in Lola's car going to park it while she and Melody walked into the hospital. 

Walking into his room Lola rushed to his bed checking him out. 

"Are you okay? " Lola said beginning to cry. 

"Lola why are you here bro," Quincy said still mad as fuck at her

"To see if you okay"

"I'm good.  You can go"

"I'm not going nowhere"

"Get The fuck out, Bro"

His mother hops in seeing him talk to her crazy. 

"Boy, what your mouth.  Why are you talking to her like that? " his mother said

"She knows why.  Go be with that nigga"

"You serious right now? "

Patrice walks in and sees her brother in the bed arguing with Lola. 

(go back to the characters if you forgot what she looks like)

"Who are you? " Patrice said looking at Lola. 

"Who are you? "

"His sister.  And he ain't in the position to be arguing with any bitch. As you can see "

"Who is a BITCH?" Lola said stepping into her

"Yo" Melvin said stepping in between them

"You heard me"

"Chill Best Friend," Melody said grabbing Patrice's shoulder

Lola looks at Quincy Than back at Patrice walking out

"Yeah you're right I don't BELONG here," Lola said Shutting the door. 

"LOLA" Quincy yells seeing her walk away throwing her hands up. 

Courtney walks in and sees Lola walking towards her Mad whipping her tears.

"You good?  Damn I couldn't find a parking spot"

"Man fuck all of them"

"What happened? "

"She had the nerve to call me a bitch.  I'll fuck her up" Lola said walking out of the hospital.

"WHO?  Hold on.  Let me go in there" Courtney said turning around. 

Lola grabs her. 

"Nah we good.  Fuck them,"

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