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look at this cutie patootie^^

Song: Flawless, The Neigbourhood.

Wednesday, Novemeber 8th, 2006

"You literally never go out with us, come on!" The blonde whines, "I won't leave this room until you promise to go with us."

She's always been so persistent, and although you "literally" went out with them two weeks ago, risking a failing grade, she still makes it out that you've got a fucking stick up your ass or something.

"Fine, I'll go!" you say, throwing your textbook on the bed, glaring at her, "I can't get dressed if you're still in here though," By all means, you weren't actually going to change. You never really enjoyed the whole choosing a 'going out outfit' with your friend, considering she always put you in the most uncomfortable clothes ever.

"Fine, but if I see you come out of this room in 15 minutes in the same outfit, I'm burning your textbooks." She threatens you. Ths happens all the time, you're used to this by now.

She leaves, and while she's usually bluffing, you decide not to take the chance of her ruining your unnecessarily expensive books.

Looking in your closet, you see barely anything. Theres a hoodie from one of your ex-boyfriends, which is covered in ice cream stains- Man that guy really did a number on you, a bunch of school shirts that you got from your schools used clothing sale at the beginning of the year, and a winter coat. None of this would work.

Dreadfully, you decide to slowly and painfully walk over to your friends room, knocking on the door.

When she opens it confused, as you weren't supposed to come out for another 10 minutes, you give her a tight lipped grin, "I have nothing to wear. Please help,"

Those words were the only ones that she needed to hear, you conclude, as she grasps your arm and sits you on her pink and black zebra print bed.

You and her were opposites. She enjoyed colour and patterns, whilst you had a more sophisticated style, as you would put it- in reality you just didn't care much for clothes, wearing the occassional pantsuit for job interviews or fancy occassions. You might have some dresses at home, but you would never wear them.

"Pen, I am not wearing that!" You say in horror, as she pulls out a tiny little black dress, with a thin black ribbon seperating the tight fitting top part from the looser bottom, lace being the only thing covering the chest. "Everyone will literally see my boobs!"

"Calm down, thats why you wear a bra!" She smiles, not seeing why it would matter so much. You were going to a party anyway.

Eventually, after a lot of begging and promises from penelope, you agreed.

You finish getting ready, and as you walk out, your friend pratically screamed with excitement, pulling out her pink, bejewled phone and snapping 50 pictures.

You laugh with her, asking to see the photos. They're not actually too bad, and since you don't have a huge mirror in your room like penelope does, you finally have a chance to see your outfit.

You had on the dress that pen made you wear, a tiny black bra underneath, still showing off a bit of skin. The dress was short, only reaching about mid thigh. Moving down you had on a cute pair of black heals that had short straps crawling around your ankle. You left your hair down, not bothering with it, it's not like it looked bad anyway. You had a simple makeup look on, clear lipgloss, a base, and a little bit of an eye look. One thing you actually did enjoy about getting ready was makeup.

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