Chapter 2

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Planes were always Ella's favorite. Unlike other children her age, she had little interest in the typical toys and activities. Her passion was planes. Her brilliance shone through in her ability to recall facts and details with an impressive speed. Some might have called her a peculiar child, but to you, she was extraordinary.

"Mommy, did you know that this type of plane can hold two thousand people?!" Ella's excited voice pierced your ear, making you wince.

"No, honey, I didn't," you replied with a sigh. "Can you please keep it down for mommy?"

"Sorry, Mommy," she said, her enthusiasm deflating as you watched with guilty eyes.

"No, baby, it's okay. Mommy's just stressed," you explained softly, stroking her hair as she looked up at you.

"What's that mean?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It just means that Mommy is overwhelmed with everything that's going on, sweetie," you sighed. "You know how you get overstimulated when there's too much noise?" She nodded, and you continued, "Well, that's how Mommy feels right now. Just not as bad as when it happens to you."

"Oh," she responded simply. True to form, she was easily distracted. As soon as the pilot came over the intercom, she forgot your conversation entirely.


During the flight, you dealt with a chorus of screaming toddlers kicking the back of your seat, babies crying, and passengers growing increasingly upset with the flight attendants. All the while, Ella lay there peacefully, sound asleep, oblivious to the chaos around her. You only wished you could sleep as deeply as she did.

When the plane finally landed, you felt a wave of relief wash over you. Looking toward your sleeping daughter, a pang of guilt surged through you as you realized you would have to wake her.

"Ella, honey, wake up," you said softly, gently shaking her arm. "We're here, sweetheart."

Ella grimaced and huffed as she slowly woke up, her face scrunching in displeasure. You unbuckled her seatbelt and started to stand.

"Mummy, can you carry me?" she asked sleepily, her voice small and tired.

"Sure, baby, but you've gotta hold on tight. Mummy's gotta carry the suitcases too." Ella climbed up onto her seat, holding her arms out toward you.

With a smile, you lifted her up, feeling her tiny arms wrap around your neck. You gathered your bags with one hand, balancing the weight of your sleeping daughter in the other. As you navigated through the narrow aisle, you felt the weight of the journey lift just a bit, knowing that despite the chaos, you and Ella were in this together.

Navigating through the crowded terminal, you felt the strain in your arms but pushed on, determined. Ella, still half-asleep, clung to you like a koala, her head resting on your shoulder. The hum of the airport surrounded you as you made your way to baggage claim.

After what felt like an eternity, you finally reached the carousel. You set Ella down on a nearby bench, and she slumped against the wall, eyes drooping. You managed to wrestle your suitcases off the conveyor belt, stacking them precariously on a luggage cart.

"Almost there, sweetheart," you murmured, brushing a stray lock of hair from Ella's face.

You navigated the cart through the throngs of people, making your way outside to hail a cab. The evening air was a welcome change from the stale airplane atmosphere, and you breathed deeply, feeling a bit more grounded. A taxi pulled up, and you quickly loaded your bags into the trunk.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

You gave him the address of your new apartment, and he nodded, pulling into traffic. Ella snuggled against you in the back seat, and you gazed out the window, watching the city lights blur past. The fatigue of the journey settled in, but you stayed alert, knowing you had to keep it together for a little while longer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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