Chapter 1

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*Present Day*

"Ella, please, you need to get ready for school, darling," You sigh, this girl will be the death of you.

You hear small footsteps pattering as she all but runs down the stairs dressed in a pair of jeans, one of your old hoodies, and a pair of bright purple converse to, well, to not match at all.

"Darling, you know that you can't go out like that." The little girl pouted as you sighed, "I'll let you wear whatever you want to the movies tomorrow night if you go put on the outfit that mommy laid out for you, okay? You can wear your purple converse though, sweetie." You smile as you offer the compromise.

"Okay, mommy." She tries to hide her smile, but you know her all too well.

You watch as she skips back up the stairs with a soft smile on your face. That little girl is the only thing that reminds you that there's still good left in this world.

You had trouble with believing that for a while, though. With your job being to literally catch criminals who were planning the most unspeakable things you could ever think of.

All you want to do is protect the innocence of your daughter. You hate the fact that there are people in this world like that- people who you could just be walking past everyday, without even knowing it.

You turn around to the shoe rack just past the doorway of your small little home, grabbing your converse, of course, matching with your daughter. You sit down on the couch as you pit your shoes on, checking your watch as you wait for her to come back donwstairs, hopefully resdy for school.

To your relief, she comes down just in time, dressed up nice and cozy, ready to face the cold winter of New York.

"Alrighty baby, let's get you to school." You say, handing her her princess backpack with the matching lunch box. You walk out of the front door after her, locking the door behind you- even though you live in a very safe neighbourhood, you can never be too safe.

You unlock the car and get her all buckled, getting into the car yourself seconds later. On the drive, the two of you listen to disney songs and sing along. You swear that this girl is going to be a famous singer when she grows up.

Once you reach her school, you hand your four-year-old off to the teacher standing at the front door, giving her a hug and a kiss goodbye. You walk back to your car and make your way to work.

You make it just in time, luckily catching the elevator as soon as you sign in. As you enter the office, all of your co-workers nod their heads toward you in greeting, to which you nod back. Everyone has already gotten a jump on today's abundance of paperwork. You had just gotten back from a case in Idaho, where a man had a bomb taped to him and he was threatening to blow up an entire shopping centre. Your job was tough, but you enjoyed whenever you stopped the people who threatened the lives of innocent people.

As soon as you sit down, your unit cheif, James Alwen, gave you a very large stack of paperwork. You sigh as you see how thick the paper was stacked, your cheif giving you a slight glare as if you had no right to sigh. Ignoring the man, you grab a pen out of the cup on your desk and you begin to break through the hefty stack.

Halfway through the paperwork, you genuinely contemplate screaming at your unit cheif, coming up with some bullshit reason that you shouldn't have to do all of this- like, it was a waste of trees, or something. He was a scary man, though. You would never even attempt to slightly raise your voice at him. Nobody would. He was always a missedable old man, but lately, since his wife left him and took the kids, he's been more irritable than ever. You don't want to mess with him.

When the clock hits 4:35 PM, you're so close to being done, until your unit cheif comes up to your desk and nearly slams his hand on top of your desk, "Bob Lewinskey is here. He'd like to speak with you." He growls, swiftly walking back to his office- probably to go wallow some more.

Sighing, you get up and walk to the elevator. Once you get in, you push the button for the 16th floor, the floor that the director of your building was stationed for the time he was there. You wondered what he wanted to speak to you about. Was he firing you? No, you had the best stats in the entire building. He could never. Was he promoting you? You couldn't see how, as there wasn't any spots available.

Your mind kept running as the elevator eventually creeped up to your destination. You held your breath as the doors opened, and you slowly made your way to the end of the hall. Above two stained glass doors, you saw the words "director of the anti-terrorism unit, Bob Lewinskey" written in bold, black letters. Letting out the breath you've been holding for at least a minute straight, you slowly bring your knuckles up to the door and knock three times. "Come in," you hear the director say in a low, rough voice.

You slowly open the door and make your way in. "Ah, Y/N, my favourite agent. How are you, sweetie?" He asks with a smirk. He's always been quite creepy with you. It disgusts you, especially since he has a whole wife and son. You shiver as you timidly smile back to him. "I'm alright, and you?"

"Ah, much better now that I've seen your pretty face. How's the little one doing? Still in need of a father figure?" He smirks. God, you hate this man with your entire being.

"With all due respect sir, you wanted to speak to me about something and I've got work to do, so can we please get on with it?" You bite back- or, well, almost bite back. You're not one to be rude to people who hold your job above your head between their grimey fingers, since you've got a daughter you need to take care of and all.

"Ah, yes. Agent Y/L/N, a transfer request has been put through to bring you to another unit," He starts and you gasp. Ignoring you, he goes on, "After looking through your qualifications, Chief Erin Straus has requested your presence within the behavioural analysis unit of the FBI in Quantico, Virginia. You will be put into FBI housing until you can find a house of your own. You have three days to pack."  He states, clearly upset about the fact that you're leaving.

You're quite happy until you realize that your daughter would be affected by this as well. She was quite an awkward girl, not really good at making friends, but she's just finally made a real friend and she's so excited about it.

With a frown on your face, you go to object, but as soon as you open your mouth, the man interrupts you, saying how the decision is final.

He gives you all that you need for your travels, as well as the legal paperwork that you need to sign, and dismisses you.

As you walk out the door and into the hallway, the only thing you can think about is how upset your little girl is going to be after hearing how she needs to leave her only friend. As much as you don't want to do this to her, you have to. This is the only way that you can give her the life that she deserves. You just don't know how you're going to go about it.



have a good day!!

- D :)

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