Chapter 1: Snowflakes

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It gets better than this, stick around pls:P


As the falling snow thickened, the chances of survival for the queen and her unborn kits got smaller and smaller.
There were three cats gathered around the struggling gray she-cat, desperately trying to help. One of them was the deputy, Stormlight. The big gray tom leaned closer to his sister.
The she-cat was barely breathing as she opened her green eyes and looked at her brother with sadness in her eyes.
The pool of blood around her was growing bigger and bigger and she was coughing dangerously much.
Rockslide knew she was not going to survive greencough and the birth of her kits without the help of StarClan.
The medicine cat tried not to lose hope, but after the queen coughed up another puddle of blood, he called for his apprentice.
„Daisypaw? We need more catmint." The ginger-and-white she-cat walked of the medicine den and leaned to her mentor. „But... There's none left." Sadness crept to her gaze as she looked at the queen. „We don't have anything to help her anymore," she finished.
Rockslide slowly shook his head, with his gaze shifting to Stormlight.
He saw pure pain in his eyes. It got him thinking. Does he remeber his life before he got to SkyClan? Then it hit him. „Daisypaw, I have a solution. I may have," he told her. His apprentice looked at him with surprise.
„She's barely alive, Rockslide. We can't leave her alone," she mewed quietly.
Her mentor gave her a strange look full of thoughts. „I can't. But you will go to WindClan and ask for help. They could still have catmint."
Daisypaw still wasn't sure. „What if they don't accept me? They could kill me, or worse, attack our clan if they see we're weak because of the greencough here." She was scared, but it was the only option. Many cats have died because of this greencough breakout, including her father. „I will go."
Her mentor looked in her eyes. „Be as fast as you can. The clan's fate depends on you."

The paw prints of the young cat only stayed in the snow for a little while. The snowfall thickened even more, and made it harder for Daisypaw to run fast. She was getting tired, but WindClan had to be close.
She needed to get there soon, if she wanted to save her family and friends from greencough.
The deadly sickness has been terrorising her clan for a moon now. The clan did not even get time to mourn for the ones who didn't get to see the light of the next day.
They had to move on quickly. Too quickly for the kits whose mother will never open her eyes again. Too quickly for the mate who cannot live without their other half. Too quickly for the lonely cats, who do not have anyone left.
Greencough is cruel, and the clan was suffering. No cat believed StarClan would let this disaster happen, until it came real. There was no warning, only the cold leaf-bare.
The sickness times came along with hunger, making it harder to stand up against.
Greencough took many cats to StarClan, including one of the medicine cats, leaving the clan almost helpless against it. These losses left a wound on SkyClan like sharp ice shards, but it was not over.

More pain would come, and with that, SkyClan could fall as fast as it rose.

Daisypaw's heart sank at Whitestar's response. She did not expect him to answer right away, and she thought the leader could understand SkyClan's struggling.
But he did not. Instead, he wanted to get her off his territory. Whitestar looked over to some warriors standing in the clearing, watching.
„Grassclaw, take this she-cat to the border. She seems lost." he said coldly.
A brown tabby started walking towards Daisypaw as Whitestar's strict gaze shifted to her.
„I do not know how you got into our camp, but you will never enter this clearing ever again. That is the final word."
Grassclaw pushed Daisypaw forward, making her trip and almost fall. „Move," the brown tabby growled.
Daisypaw did what the warrior said. She didn't want trouble, but she needed the catmint.
„Wait!" she mewed quickly, truning around. „I-I, I need to speak with your medicine cat."
She felt Grassclaw's stare on her back, but she continued. „A-about a prophecy." her fur prickled at the lie.
'I had no other choice,' she thought. Whitestar looked at her curiously.
„Tell me." his amber gaze burned into her eyes. „If it is important, I have to know." Daisypaw was panicking. She didn't know what to say, and hoped the leader would not ask many questions.
„It is a message... For the medicine cats only. We have to figure out what it means."
Whitestar stared at Daisypaw with no emotion in his eyes. When he finally moved, Daisypaw flinched a bit. „Hawkshade, come here." a black tom emerged from the shadows of a den and dipped his head.
The leader gave Daisypaw a quick look before turning to the approaching tom. „This young cat wants to speak with you. She said she has to share a prophecy with a full fledged medicine cat."
The tom looked over at Daisypaw, questions in his gaze. The ginger-and-white she-cat hoped he understood.
„Alright." he said. „We will speak in my den." Daisypaw did not realise she was holding her breath and exhaled quietly as Hawkshade walked to the medicine den with her.
They sat down for a while, until Hawkshade broke the silence. „Tell me,"
The tom fixed his gaze on Daisypaw. „Based on what you look like,
the greencough is pretty bad in your clan, am I right?"

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