Chapter 5: Mist

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„From this moment forward, your names will be Wolfsong and Grayheart." Spottedstar's words still rang through the camp, as SkyClan cats yowled the names of their new warriors.
Daisycloud padded up to the two new warriors, who were sitting in a crowd of their friends.
She decided to speak with Grayheart first. She was close to her, after all.
The she-cat looked a little sad, so Daisycloud tried to cheer her up.
„You will be the warriors SkyClan needs. You both will make it far," she whispered.
The young cat licked Daisycloud's ear. „Thank you. You already are the medicine cat we need, and you're wonderful at it." the gray cat said.
Daisycloud wondered why Grayheart wasn't happy. 'Perhaps she hoped for a more... Creative name?' she turned her gaze to Grayheart's brother.
'Wolfsong's name is truly unique.'
The tom's chest was puffed out to the point he looked like he could explode.
'And he sure knows it,' she thought, though she had to admit, he was at his best.
She couldn't help but admire his fur. The sleek gray pelt was far better kept than hers, as she spent all her time in the dusty medicine den.
His muscles were visibly strong under the long fur. 'What am I thinking?' she shook her head, trying to clear it.
'Nothing. I'm just noticing how good of warriors my friends will make...' Daisycloud thought, still not being able to move her eyes from the young warrior. He noticed her staring, and nodded at her to join him, Amberpaw, and her sister.
She hesitated, receiving a challenging gaze from Honeypaw, but she ignored her and sat down next to Wolfsong.
'She's just a stupid furball. She's just a stupid-' she was interupted by the gray warrior.
„You look angry. Is everything okay?" Daisycloud flinched at his sudden words. „Yeah, I'm fine." she mumbled, looking down at her paws. Wolfsong gave a strange look, but didn't argue.
„Anyway," he said. „What I wanted to ask is, do you want to go hunting?" he asked.
Daisycloud met his gaze. „What? Now? I'm a medicine cat. I know next to nothing about hunting," she mewed doubtfully.
„That's the point," Wolfsong purred. „I want to teach you." He looked into her eyes, excited like a kit.
„Fine," Daisycloud grumbled, stretching. „But only if you help me sort out the herbs afterwards. There's a lot of work that needs to be done."
Wolfsong looked surprised, but didn't resist. „Okay!" he mewed, springing onto his paws.
Daisycloud could swear he looked even more enthusiastic than before.


„That's good enough. Now, try to go as low to the ground as you can, but still not rub your belly against it. Just like that! You're making progress quickly." Wolfsong mewed from next to Daisycloud, pride sneaking into his voice.
The she-cat grunted, getting up from hunting crouch.
They have been training since sunhigh, and she needed to get back to her duties. Luckily, that only meant sorting out herbs, no cat needed treatment at the moment.
She shook out her pelt, feeling tense. „Great,“ Daisycloud scoffed. „You've just become a warrior and you're training apprentices." she sighed sarcastically. „Who knows, maybe by moonhigh you'll be deputy and tomorrow, getting nine lives!" she mewed.
Wolfsong laughed, and Daisycloud sat down next to him, leaning onto his shoulder. They watched apprentices training to fight.
'They will be good warriors. Everything is alright. No need to be tense.' She looked up at Wolfsong. His presence alone made her feel safe. She purred, nuzzling her head onto the side of his neck.
'We'll solve the prophecy. Together.'

Suddenly, everything around her went black, and freezing cold. For a moment, Daisycloud felt like she was falling.
Too shocked to yowl for help, she just helplessly flailed her paws around. She couldn't see anything, except for a light above her.
She started to hear many voices, calling her name, from the direction of the bright spot above her head. She didn't recognize any of them.
„Daisycloud!" a she-cat's voice called. „Daisycloud, no!" The voice seemed the closest, but far at the same time. „Please! Don't leave me..."
She stopped falling, but it didn't feel like she landed. She felt peaceful, like nothing mattered anymore while she floated in the darkness.
„Daisycloud, you can't go now. You can't leave just after I found you! " the she-cat cried.
'Who was she?' she thought, wanting to ask. She opened her jaws, but instead of hes, a weak, and old voice came out, along with completely different words.
"I'm always with you. I will never leave your side," the raspy voice said. Daisycloud realised she couldn't even move her paws anymore, only her head. She was panicking, and turned her head upwards.
„She walks with StarClan now," a tom's voice said.
Daisycloud confusedly stared into the light above her.
„What?" she asked, relieved to hear her own meow this time.
„Whose voices was that? Is that... Me? My death? Sure sounds like it, but... Why am I here?" she murmured.
She squeaked shortly as the bright light from the top swallowing her. She tried to call for help again, but she felt like someone was squeezing her jaws together. Then, it stopped.
'Is it...' she hesitated, still not being able to make up any shapes in the light.

„StarClan?" she whispered.


„No, Daisycloud, you're hoping for too much,“ a tom said in a mocking voice.
„It's just me, Rockslide.“
Daisycloud tried to open her eyes, but they were glued together. She groaned, shifting in the nest she was laying in. „What happened?“ Daisycloud asked, unsuccessfuly trying to clean her eyes with her paw.
Rockslide chuckled.
„I should be the one asking that,” he said. “By the way, this little fainting of yours made Wolfsong fuss over you like a kit who wants to go out of the camp.” the brown tom complained. „Really annoying if you want my opinion.”
„I don't.“ she snapped, finally managing to open one of her eyes.
„Well,“ the brown tom started, „In that case, go stop him from panicking, or I think I'll claw his whiskers off if he wails about me not treating you enough one more time.“
Daisycloud snorted. 'I'll just ignore him. I better find Wolfsong now.' For some reason, her fur got warmer when she thought about him.
She shook her pelt out and made her way towards the warriors' den.
'Rockslide made it sound like he's really worried about me,' she thought.

Flicker of hope | Discontinued:/ | A Warrior cats fanfiction | by EikoowaWhere stories live. Discover now