Chapter 3: Feather

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Daisypaw was feeling happy after quite some time. The catmint she brought was working, and Rockslide was being very friendly to her, even after she told him she didn't find out what the prophecy from Silvercloud meant.
But there was one other thing that was bothering her, the omen. She didn't find out what StarClan meant by it yet, and she still had a lot of work to do with the sick cats.
While treating the cats in the apprentice den, she made a couple friends.
Until that, she was a lone wolf. She had a brother, but Snakepaw didn't talk to her at all since their mother's death. Daisypaw knew he blamed her for not being able to save Bloomshine, but now she had to focus on the future.
Because she chose the path of a medicine cat, she didn't have a nest next to cats her age. But at least, now she had a friend in Amberpaw, her sister Honeypaw, Petalpaw, Blackpaw and Bristlepaw.
But Graypaw and her brother Wolfpaw grew the most to her heart. At first glance, the siblings were the same, but their personalities were vastly different, with Graypaw being kind and shy, wanting to be a queen, and Wolfpaw energetic and ambitious, aiming straight for being deputy.
No cat would ever tell they were related if it wasn't for their almost identical grey-colored pelts. Daisypaw liked both of them the same, but she adored Graypaw's wisdom. Wolfpaw's sister always said, that their differences made them who they are.
At that moment, Daisypaw took a mission to convince Graypaw to become a medicine cat apprentice. She was perfect for the job, but there was one small problem. Graypaw loved kits, and she wanted to take care of them one day.
As time passed, Daisypaw let it go.
The same as when greencough left and let SkyClan cats live their lives normally again.
After the last cat stopped coughing, Rockslide spent a lot of time in his den thinking. Daisypaw was worried about him, but when he repeatedly assured her everything was fine, she assumed he was just thinking about the half-moon meeting, which didn't worry her that much, and after all, there will be Hawkshade there, and she was excited to see him again.
But Daisypaw was curious, and the fact that Rockslide was resisting was not stopping her. 'He didn't eat anything for three days! There has to be something wrong.'
She walked right through the bracken covering the entrance of the medicine den.
„Rockslide, is everything alright? I can feel you are worried about something." Her mentor turned to her.
„I'm alright. I just can't stop worrying about the prophecy and the omen. They sound... Connected." he looked at Daisypaw, flicking his tail.
„I feel like StarClan is telling us one thing from two points of view and I don't understand why, or what it means!" he hissed, visibly frustrated.
His apprentice cocked her head to the side and smoothed his spiky pelt with her tail.
„Everything has its time." she purred. „That's what you told me when I tried hard but never got the mixture for belly aches right. I believed, and here I am. If it wasn't for you, I would not be here either." she finished.
Rockslide sat still, gazing her right in the eyes. „You are the best medicine cat I have ever met," he mewed.
„You are prepared, Daisypaw. Your ceremony will be this half-moon," he said, getting up and leaving the apprentice in complete shock.
„I'll be a medicine cat soon!"

As the moon was getting closer and closer to its half, Daisypaw was getting more and more excited, but nervous, too. Graypaw was an almost full warrior and Daisypaw a medicine cat, they were discussing their warrior names all the time.
„What about... Daisypelt?" Graypaw started. Daisypaw just scoffed and looked away.
„What? I just don't have as many ideas as I would want to," Graypaw mewed. „Yeah, I know. What about you? What suffix would you like?" Her friend thought for a while, before guessing.
„I think 'Graypetal' would fit me pretty well." Daisypaw gave Graypaw a look of agreement.
„It sounds just like you. I hope you get this name, or a better one." she mewed. „But I have to go help Rockslide. Pebbletail has a bad bellyache." Graypaw nodded. „I'll see you next sunhigh."

After Daisypaw made sure Pebbletail was alright, she started walking around the camp, thinking about her warrior name again.
'What will Rockslide give me? I hope it will be something elegant,' she stopped. 'What if my name helps to solve the prophecy, or the omen? Well, in that case, I shall be the best medicine cat SkyClan has ever seen!'
She puffed out her chest, and decided to eat something. She picked up a mouse from the fresh-kill pile and walked over to Honeypaw to share it.
„Hey Honeypaw, do you want a part of this mouse?" she asked.
The golden she-cat shook her head. „I actually have to go hunting with Amberpaw and our mentors, sorry." Honeypaw turned around, thinking. „But I think Wolfpaw hasn't eaten yet, you could share it with him! I heard you two are great friends." she gave Daisypaw a sheepish smile.
The medicine cat apprentice was a little stunned. „Yeah... I guess," she said, walking over to Wolfpaw. „Enjoy the mouse!" Honeypaw called after her. „Thanks..?" Daisypaw said, a little confused. She sat down next to the gray tom.
„Hi, do you want to share a mouse with me?" she said. Wolfpaw looked at her. „S-sure," he said, taking a bite of the small animal. Daisypaw wondered why he was stuttering, but it didn't bother her. The omen was still her biggest problem. 'Wolfpaw could help me with it,' she thought, swallowing a piece of meat. „Erm, Wolfpaw, I need help with something," she finally said.
The gray apprentice started choking on his food, trying to speak. Daisypaw, knowing what she had to do, got him to cough the mouse out.
„Are you okay?" she mewed worriedly. „Y-yeah, just a little-" he coughed. „Piece of fur. What did you want m-me to help you wi-ith?" he asked, gaze full of questions.
'He sure is being weird today,' Daisypaw thought for a while. 'Actually, he was not normal for a long time now.' Wolfpaw nudged her with his gray paw.
„Uh, Daisypaw? A-are you okay? What do you need help with?" he said. „I am here for you." Daisypaw looked at him.

„I... I have no idea what the prophecy or the omen mean!" she hissed, her whiskers shaking. „I want to find out before I become a medicine cat, but it seems impossible. I don't think I'm enough!" she blurted out of frustration.

Wolfpaw let his friend lean onto his shoulder. „You are how you're meant to be." He licked Daisypaw's forehead.
„You do not have to figure it out right now, and therefore not before you become a medicine cat, but I will try to help you figure it out.“ He licked her ear.
„Like Rockslide said, it is better to fight life with another cat by your side than alone, after all." he finished, and newfound confidence filled him at the moment.
„I know it's wrong, but I like you more than a friend."


I'm so sorry for the error, it's all fixed now. Enjoy the story!

Flicker of hope | Discontinued:/ | A Warrior cats fanfiction | by EikoowaWhere stories live. Discover now