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My heels clicked up the concrete as I walked into the Academy. Past the doors were many kids dressed in red, chattering about the prize that my friend Sejanus' father gave every year. The academic bragging rights that came with winning did intrigue me, but I didn't need the money. None of these kids really did, they were so rich that they barely had enough things to spend their money on already, much less any more.

My eyes flickered to a group of people circled together. I had not an ounce of affection for any of them, expect for maybe one. But I propelled myself in their direction.

"That's why they reminded me of the maid's bathroom."

"Oh Corio, be nice to the help." Arachne laughed.

Felix was the first to notice my presence. "Hello, Iris!" He offered a sincere smile.

"Good Morning, Felix." He blushed at the way I said his name. I'm pretty sure he's had a crush on me since elementary.

Coriolanus had been linking arms with Clemensia but had acted too good to know her when I peered my eyes down to their jointed elbows.

"So, do you think daddy has shared the prize amount yet?" Festus, a boy standing next to Felix smirked at Sejanus who was talking to a few people across the room.

"I bet the weirdo knows something." Arachne said, indicating Sejanus' brother, Nathaniel. "It's a shame they let district mutts in."

"Call my friends anything but their names again, and you'll be picking your teeth up off the floor."

I gave them a cold flick of a smile and walked away, already losing all of my patience to be in their vicinity.

"Hey," Coriolanus followed me. "Sorry about them."

"Well they're your friends."

"No, they're not my friends. They're my- leverage, if you will. You're my friend."

"Hm." I hummed.

"Hey, Corio, I need to tell you something." Sejanus came up to us, he looked worried.

I gave him a nod, understanding that he wanted to tell him alone and found my seat.

"Well if it isn't Iris Rowan Blackburn." A brunette teased.

"Nathaniel." I addressed him, turning around to face him.

He just stood there, smiling at me.

"Somebody's in a good mood." I rolled my eyes and walked next to the boy.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Coriolanus' face contorted in a mixture of shock, fear, and annoyance.

What could Sejanus be saying that was so bad? I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and a few moments later, Sejanus took his seat next to me with Coriolanus on my other side.

He looked distressed. Whatever he had told him apparently just shook his world, and I could tell by the furrow of his brow that he was planning something.

The bone chilling laughter from Dr. Gaul erupted into the room.

"How tantalizing to see all of your shining young faces on this auspicious day." Her evil smile sent shivers down my back. "I am Dr. Volumnia Gaul, your humble head game maker. In charge of the war department and all its affiliated concerns."

Her voice droned on as I turn to Sejanus.

"What did you tell Coriolanus?" I whispered.

"There's not a prize this year." He stared at his feet.

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