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My eyes opened and I was immediately smiling. Waking up to a happy Coriolanus Snow would put a smile on anybody's face.

Not that they'd be smiling for long because I'd-

Okay then.

"You snore." He laughed.

"I do not!" I quickly defended myself, turning on my side and lying my head back down, still tired.

"It's not fair, I didn't get to watch you as long as you got to watch me."

"Cry me a river." I mumbled. "You couldn't handle looking at me for that long, I think you'd explode."

"I'd definitely dissolve into thin air."

I smiled and closed my eyes.

The phone that was connected to the "room" rang. Coriolanus picked it up and I heard one side of a conversation.

"Yes ma'am, you can put him through." He gave the operator permission to talk to whoever was calling. "Hello? Yes, she's fine."

He grew a bitter taste in his tone. "No, she's actually asleep right now."

"I'll be sure to tell her you called when she wakes up."

"Who was that?" I asked, turning on my back.

"Nathan." His voice was laced with disdain.

"I thought you two were friends."

"I merely tolerated him for you. And I don't particularly like the fact that he's been in love with you since kindergarten. Especially after last night."

"He's not in love with me. And even if he was, I don't see him that way so it doesn't matter."

He just looked at me and smiled to himself.

"Shouldn't the interviews be on today? What time is it?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's 7:30."

"Crap, the interviews started at 7!" I scrambled for the remote.

Once I finally got it on, Lucky was bringing out the girl from 11, meaning that Reaper and Lucy had to go before it was Samuel's turn.

"See, didn't miss a thing."


A few minutes later, Lucy Gray Baird was performing. Her voice was sweet and raspy. She could sing, very well, and she looked beautiful. I tried to ignore the pinging in my stomach when Coriolanus stood up to watch her closely. Tigress and Sejanus next to him as I stood arm in arm with Sejanus.

He gave me small, reassuring glances every time my grip slightly tightened based on Coriolanus' reaction.

"Well alright I'm bad, but then you're no prize either.
Well alright I'm bad but then that's nothing new.
You say you won't love me,
I won't love you neither.
Just let me remind you what I am to you." She sang.

I looked over at the quiet room and saw nurses holding their hearts as if the song was touching.

I held in a scoff, the song was not some moving piece of genius. I might be a little biased, but it's nothing special, she's nothing special. Half the lyrics don't even make sense, how could they have that big of an impact. Overdramatized is an understatement.

After far too long, the song was over and she left the stage with about another thousand donations.

Samuel was called out, although my anger hadn't gone away entirely, I still wanted him to do well.

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