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"You can take the bed." I told Iris.

"Where will you sleep?" She asked.

"I can sleep on the sofa,"

"Nonsense. I can sleep on the couch, I don't want to take your bed." She argued

"I'll sleep on the floor in here if it'll make you feel better." I compromised with the stubborn girl.

She smiled in satisfaction and laid down.

I could tell by the slowing of her breath that she was drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Corio." She mumbled.

My stomach started turning faster than I thought possible.

"Goodnight, Iris."

I looked up at the girl, she was faced towards me and she looked so peaceful, so...beautiful.

I knew then that there was no going back. Her red hair strands were stapled to my pillows, her skin had danced along my sheets, her scent was now embedded into my comforter and now it would never leave, no matter how many times I washed it.

I laid there, staring at the ceiling, falling into a sleep with dreams of Iris Blackburn.


I woke up and immediately panicked. I didn't recognize where I was before I saw a sleeping blonde boy on the floor below me.

I sighed and got out of the bed and made it.

"You don't have to do that." He groaned.

His groggy sleepy voice made me want to take h-nevermind.

"Yes I do." I added the pillows. "I should probably go."

"Probably." He got up, grabbing the blankets he was laying on.

"Well I'll see you at school."

He smiled at me as I left.

I used the walk home preparing for the anger my parents had in store for me. I dreadfully opened the door and was quickly greeted by my mother's hug.

"Oh sweetie, we were so worried about you."

I shut the door slowly. "I stayed the night at a friends place."

"We didn't know where you went, we were scared out of our minds." My father gave me a smile of relief as he too hugged me.

This feeling was foreign. I'd never realized how comforting a hug from a parent could be, I can't remember having one before now.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I'm sorry." My father pulled away. "I had no right to act that way, I hope you and Coriolanus can forgive me."

I was stunned, I couldn't speak. I simply nodded my head and went to my room to get ready.

I slipped on my uniform, and began doing my makeup. I was almost done applying my lipstick before my sister knocked.

"Come in." I lined my lips with the scarlet coating.

She opened the door and stood there.

The Name of the Game • C.SWhere stories live. Discover now