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3rd person's POV

At Restaurant

Xiao Zhan and Huang jingyu both  were done with eating their food. They came out of the restaurant.

"Ok bye  Jingyu " zhan said.

"What let me drop you, don't worry I'll stop the car away from Wang Mansion." Jingyu replied.

"No I don't want you to get in any trouble. I can't let that happen. I'll take a cab." Zhan said.

Huang Jingyu didn't protest anymore.

"Ok take care of yourself and remember to call me if there's something wrong." Huang Jingyu said with a hug.

"Ok you too take care of yourself." Zhan replied and hugged him back.

Both bid their good byes. Zhan took a cab and left from their.

It was after 45 minutes Zhan reach the mansion. Zhan got out off the cab and entered the mansion as he entered the mansion a car that following him for a long time moves away from the mansion.

"I'm sorry zhan but I have to do this to make sure that your safe. I can't let anything happen to you no matter what." Huang Jingyu said looking towards the mansion.

Meanwhile with Xiao Zhan who has just entered the mansion felt a shiver due to the cold and dark aura that filled the entire living room

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Meanwhile with Xiao Zhan who has just entered the mansion felt a shiver due to the cold and dark aura that filled the entire living room.

He moved forward building his courage  and found the source from where this dark and cold aura was coming that was Wang Yibo sitting on the chair with a dark expression on his face while thinking something.

He moved forward building his courage  and found the source from where this dark and cold aura was coming that was Wang Yibo sitting on the chair with a dark expression on his face while thinking something

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"What's going on here " zhan thought.

He moved towards Wang Yibo and called him,

"H..Hello "

Wang Yibo when heard Xiao Zhan calling him looked towards him with a dangerous look on his face.

Xiao Zhan when noticed the dangerous look on Wang Yibo's face got scared as many negative things came in his mind

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Xiao Zhan when noticed the dangerous look on Wang Yibo's face got scared as many negative things came in his mind.
He don't know what to say. He stood there silently. Few minutes passed away but Wang Yibo didn't shifted his eyes from Xiao Zhan for a second.

"Is there something wrong " Xiao Zhan asked.

Wang Yibo didn't say anything. He stood up from the chair standing infront of Xiao Zhan again not uttering a single word.

"I guess there is nothing to say then I'll go" after saying this Xiao Zhan was about to move from their but Wang Yibo was fast enough to push him on a nearby sofa.

"What the- " before Xiao Zhan could complete his sentence Wang Yibo hovered him.

"W....What are you doing ? Get up" Xiao Zhan said while struggling.

"Stay still  " Wang Yibo said.

"What are you doing leave me. If you don't then I'm gonna push you so that you will fall- " before Xiao Zhan could complete his sentence Wang Yibo cut him and said,

"Smile for me "

"What" Xiao Zhan replied in shock not believing what he has just heard.

"Smile for me like you were smiling before" Wang Yibo said with a desperate voice which Xiao Zhan has heard for the first time.

"What's going on is there something wrong with him that he's saying such things" Xiao Zhan thought.

"First leave me then I'll do what you say." Xiao Zhan said.

Wang Yibo leave him. Xiao Zhan sat on the sofa properly.

"What happened to him suddenly. Wait may be he is drunk but there is no smell of alchohol then why." Xiao Zhan thought.

While Xiao Zhan was thinking all this things his eyes fell on Wang Yibo's face.

Xiao Zhan when saw the cute pout on Wang Yibo's face

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Xiao Zhan when saw the cute pout on Wang Yibo's face. Xiao Zhan smiled automatically.


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Heyy guyyssss back with another chapter. I wish I was fluent in English so that I can describe more clearly. And sorry if you guys felt that it was boring.
It's just that I'm not doing well. Every day it feels like life is hell. So many things are going on in my life.
I'm trying to stay strong.

Ignore my mistakes.

Don't forget to tell me in the comments how you guys find it.

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