New Home

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Isla's voice echoed so loudly through the phone that I instinctively pulled it away from my ear, fearing for my eardrums.

"Are you saying your stepbrother is ridiculously fucking hot?" Her tone was practically a shout, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

God, she was too loud!

"I never said that. Why are you twisting my words like that?" I hissed, feeling the heat in my face intensify.

She was making it sound as if I had checked him out. But had I not checked him out? Damn it. I was confused myself, how was I supposed to answer her?

"That's exactly how it sounded," Isla's whistle was low, almost teasing. "So, what's your plan now, innocent Hailey? You've just landed in a bigger trouble in your new home."

He was trouble, not just for me, but for any girl because of those goddamn looks. Yet, clearly, he had a lot on his plate, and I'd witnessed it firsthand today—he was a busy person.

"You're not making any sense," I tried to brush her off, but I knew she wouldn't let this go easily.

"When will you grow up? You're twenty, for goodness' sake! You need to start grasping these things. Oh, Hailey, what am I going to do with you? At this rate, your life will lack any fucking adventure!"

I hated admitting it, but today had been quite an adventure. As my gaze traced from his temple to his Adam's apple, observing the way his veins accentuated, and witnessing the captivating allure of his eyes under the hotel's shifting lights and shadows, I couldn't help but resent the fact that he was soon to be my stepbrother.

However, that was the reality and it demanded that I rein in my emotions and see him solely as that—my stepbrother—to prevent my heart from exploding.

And there was even a better option—to avoid him.

Yeah, I was pretty confident that I'd be able to avoid even his shadow.

"Can you tone it down a bit? You're practically yelling, and it's hurting my ears!"

"I just can't deal with you," Isla groaned, her disappointment evident. "Do whatever you want, but be cautious around him. He seems like something entirely different."

"But how? He seemed completely normal to me. It was just my nerves acting up because, well, I'll admit it. He's incredibly good-looking."

"At least you found him good-looking," Isla chuckled, teasing me as usual. "This is a first. You never seem to find men attractive. For the longest time, I was worried you'd end up proposing to me."

Her jokes always struck a nerve. I despised them, to be honest, especially when they revolved around my virginity and lack of experience.

I knew my stuff. I knew when to be bold. When to act. But I just didn't want to give me virginity like a free ticket to some asshole.

"Shut up, Isla."

Isla referred to my situation as 'desires stuck in a coma,' but I believed it was more about timing or, perhaps, I hadn't encountered the right person yet. But today it seeemed...fuck! I needed to stop!

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