The Curse

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P.S. If you're uncomfortable with YAOI or Man to Man OTP, do not continue..  ^^


Chairs surrounding the center of the room

Huge board pasted on the wall

Table at the corner

Cabinets full of books at each sides of the wall

     This has been Kim Jinwoo's life for three years. He's a teacher in YG University and seeing chairs and boards has been a usual happening on him. He hated the fact that he's locked on this dungeon for years but the other part of him says that he must be happy because he's been loved by his students.

     After graduating with honors at the said university, Jinwoo got a scholarship in New York for his Masteral Degree. He stayed there for two years and when he came back, Yang Hyun Suk- the president of YG University personally called him to work as their teacher. Despite other schools offering to work with him, Jinwoo chose YG because he wanted to serve his Alma Mater.

     Everything changed when he first step his foot in the university- he will not go there as a student but as a teacher, an English teacher. He's been assigned to teach English and Literature subjects to freshmen and sophomore students. As he opened the door to his first class, he was shocked to see students looking at him.

     He must not feel awkward though because when he was in college, he was surrounded with students asking for his phone number. Jinwoo is not also one of the best students, he is also good looking. But this time, he is a teacher and he can't stay still with his students giving him a cheesy look everytime he'll teach in front. He will just smile at them and focus on teaching.

     His students started to ask for his phone number. Since he's a teacher, he has no choice but to give it to them. He will receive students' texts every night asking if they have an assignment or a quiz tomorrow but he know that few of those students are just finding ways to be notice by him.

     Jinwoo has been successful with his career, but he failed miserably in this field called "love." He's been single for quite some time already. He dated two guys during his college days- Kwon Jiyong and Choi Seunghyun. After that, he gave up dating and he just focus on studying. He's been on top of the list but one of his professors told something on the entire class that wreck is mind and heart- the "curse of teachers."

"If you still haven't found your special someone before you graduate this course, you will end up being single for the rest of your life."

     His professor was right. After graduating, he find no time for dating. His friend Nam Taehyun will call him for arranged dates but it's either Jinwoo will be tired from work or busy doing lesson plans. They're friends since high school and Taehyun can't believe that his very handsome friend is still single- hence the arranged dates. But he cannot blame Jinwoo, the teaching profession is difficult and you'll no longer have time to find someone.

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