A/n (Not Bad News) & (In)correct Quotes

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Listen, recently, my mind has been filled to the brim with the future scenarios for Golden Bismuth, and it's making me impatient! So, I'm going to post either chapters that is basically the two of you getting closer/actually together based on chapters or just from my imagination (Which will sometimes be out of order), or your requests.

The only thing you can't request is angst, because I don't think I could think of a scenario of it or don't want to, and definitely no lemons because NO!

Oh, and just so you know, the height difference between the two of you is that he reaches up to either the middle of your neck, or the middle of your bust. Just saying...

---Incorrect Quotes---

Zak: *Does something stupid*

Golden Bones: Hey, do you take opinions?

Zak: Sure.

Golden Bones: Stop.


Clovis: You're so tall, what can you see up there?

Y/n: Everyone's flaws.


Golden Bones: *Crouching over in pain*

Y/n: What happened?

Golden Bones: ...Nothing.

Y/n: I promise I will remain calm if you will tell me.

Golden Bones: I may have stubbed my toe on a table...

Y/n: *Wielding her Lava Axe* Which table?!


Cece: Why is it when something happens, it's always you four?

Zak: ...

Calabrass: ...

Y/n: ...

Golden Bones: ...


Zak: Am I in trouble?

Y/n: Have a guess.

Zak: No?

Y/n: Have another guess.


Calico, referring to Y/n: Is that your girlfriend?

Golden Bones: No, that is simply weird.

Calico: It's weirder if she's not your girlfriend.


Skullivar: How long was I really gone?!

Golden Bones: What do you mean, my lord? I already told you.


Golden Bones: I do not know what you are- *Realizes what he's talking about, blushing* OH, COME ON! HOW MANY MORE OF YOU ARE GOING TO THINK Y/N IS MY GIRLFRIEND?!


Zak: Being attractive is so inconvenient. How am I supposed to do things if I'm constantly surrounded by swooning fans?

Golden Bones: Open your mouth. Your personality will drive them away.


Cece: So, why is Clovis mad at you?

Golden Bismuth: When he sneezed, we accidentally said "Shut the fuck up" instead of "Bless you".

Cece: How do you two ACCIDENTALLY say "Shut the fuck up"????

Golden Bismuth(Golden Bones x Bismuth! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now