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Jeonghan and Joshua sprinted through the desolate streets, hands tightly clasped, heartbeats echoing in the eerie silence that engulfed the once lively city. The distant moans of the undead fueled their adrenaline-fueled escape. Finally reaching a cafe, they barricaded themselves inside, panting.

As they caught their breath, Joshua noticed Jeonghan's pallor. Concern etched across his face, he asked, "Jeonghan, what's wrong?" Worried, he examined his boyfriend and discovered a gruesome bite on his right shoulder.

A gasp escaped Joshua's lips, tears welled in his eyes. "No, no, no," he whispered. Determined, Joshua decided they needed to reach the nearest hospital. Supporting Jeonghan, they ventured through the abandoned streets, desperation clinging to every step.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Jeonghan's condition worsened. In Joshua's arms, he fell unconscious. Panic etched across Joshua's face, he gently laid Jeonghan on a hospital bed. The pale surroundings of the room mirrored the gravity of the situation.

With trembling hands, Joshua attached the heartbeat monitor wire, ensuring the machine would echo the rhythm of Jeonghan's weakening heart. He stared at the monitor, the beeping a haunting reminder of the fragility of life.

Tears streamed down Joshua's face as he pressed a passionate kiss on Jeonghan's lips as if trying to transfer his love and strength. "I'll find a cure, I promise," he vowed. Determination etched on his face, Joshua left the room, the hospital's sterile halls echoing with the urgency of his mission. The quest for a cure became a race against time, with Joshua navigating through the labyrinth of the once-sacred halls, desperately seeking a remedy to save the love of his life from the clutches of the zombie apocalypse.

Dashing through the dimly lit hospital corridors, Joshua's desperation fueled his quest for the elusive cure. Flickering overhead lights cast ominous shadows as he scoured rooms and shelves, the tension in the air palpable. Finally, he stumbled upon a lab, its shelves stocked with vials of potential salvation.

As he clutched the precious cure in his trembling hands, Joshua raced back to Jeonghan's side. The room felt colder, the air heavier with fear as he beheld Jeonghan's deteriorating state. Dark blue veins snaked across his body, and the heart monitor echoed the grim reality of a slowing heartbeat.

Tears streamed down Joshua's face as he cradled the vial. With shaky hands, he prepared the injection. The vial trembled against the backdrop of Joshua's grief. He took a deep breath, whispered a silent prayer, and injected the cure into Jeonghan's bloodstream.

The vial clattered to the floor, a stark echo of the anguish that gripped Joshua's heart. He watched, breath caught in his throat, as the seconds ticked away. The room seemed suspended in time, every heartbeat an agonizing reminder of the fragility of life.

A glimmer of hope emerged as Jeonghan's colour gradually shifted from the ominous blue. Joshua's tear-streaked face transformed into one of disbelief and gratitude. The heart monitor, once a sombre symphony of impending loss, now pulsed with renewed vitality.

With a trembling hand, Joshua gently intertwined his fingers with Jeonghan's, a silent promise etched in the tender gesture. He stayed by his side, eyes fixed on the heart monitor, hoping against hope that the cure had worked its magic and pulled Jeonghan back from the brink of the undead abyss.

Minutes passed, and the once-steady beeping of the heartbeat monitor started to falter. Panic seized Joshua's heart as he stared at the distressing display. The room seemed to close in around him, the stark reality of Jeonghan's fading heartbeat echoing like a dirge."No, no, Jeonghan, please," Joshua whispered, his voice cracking with desperation. He clasped Jeonghan's hand tighter as if through sheer willpower, he could infuse life back into his beloved.

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