The interview

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"Hi I'm Delihla white and I'm here for my job interview"I said as I stood in front of a que near the receptionist.The lady held my portfolio and quickly did a scan on the picture present then looked at me quizzicaly.

"All right you can pass through that door to the left and wait there someone will talk to you once ready".

when I looked at the door to my left I slightly hesitated, I'm not one to enter random rooms but I obliged and went in,upon entering I realized it had been an office and quickly sat down on the unoccupied chair.

"Well who do we have here?"I looked up and was slightly startled because I didn't even hear him enter the room."Hi I'm Delihla White,I'm here for the job interview...I saw that your company was looking for someone new to hire",I didn't even know I was so nervous until he give me a rather questioning look.

"I know what your here for Delihla,please sit down and let us talk"he said

"I didn't get your name?"
"Oh,I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myself my name is Lucian"he said with a smile on his face,and damn that smile made me forget what I came here for."So I looked at your portfolio and I don't have much time for a proper interview but to save us some time...your hired, we'll email you all the details you need to know-"Sorry?"

"I said your hired Delihla"I thought this man was insane but I was honestly relieved at the same time.He suddenly stood up and right before he left the room he said"Oh,and you should wear red,you look better in red"

Which was odd,I've never seen him before,how did he know what I looked best in.

When I finally got to my apartment I realized upon entering that someone had been in my place.The door has not been broken down,but they moved things oddly subtly to the point where I know I have not left them where I last put them.

"Oh great another reason for me to move out this forsaken place",but I can't simply just move I had no where to go really,not that I didn't have family,I just recently moved here after a really depressive episode and needed a new change,and I mean major change,I went to cut my hair,dye it and change my way of dressing too,I dress more classy,which is more modest than me a few months ago.

"Oh crap I need to check the email...and call Geah"I screamed with excitement when I saw that there really was an email from Tresor company.Turns out the guy that interviewed me was Lucion Tresor,he was quite handsome but rather entitled handsome,you know the ones that look good but feel creepy too,yeah that handsome,I felt like he knew too much but I just couldn't understand what he knew."

Turns out I start work tomorrow...damn it's going to be a long ass day"

I closed my laptop and went straight for a shower,as I was taking off my chlothes I did not realize the red flicker of light at the corner of my bathroom wall,nor did I notice the envelope that sat neatly in the middle of my bed.

I closed my laptop and went straight for a shower,as I was taking off my chlothes I did not realize the red flicker of light at the corner of my bathroom wall,nor did I notice the envelope that sat neatly in the middle of my bed

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