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Once we got to the bar and had ordered our drinks,we kept congratulating Geah and Dylan.

We kept ordering drink after drink when all of a sudden Paris taps me on my shoulder and asks me if we could talk.We walk to a secluded area outside the bar and we face each other.I didn't want to be the first to speak so he went first.

''So I wanted to know how you were doing...''Paris said.

''First of all Paris I don't know why the hell you think it's okay to even ask me such a question,your the one that left me remember.''

I was honestly drunk I didn't even know I was this upset.''Well Delhila you don't think I might've been upset too,I was leaving.''

''And how the hell could that have hurt you,you ghosted me for three months and the next thing I hear your all the way in Italy,like who the fuck does that to someone they claim to love!''I was furious by the time I let all that out and highly sad too.

He left me alone for all that time and he said he loved me,I was so torn when he had been gone,our relationship was at it's prime,we had more happy memories than any other emotion.

It was quiet for awhile until he took my hand and lifted my face up by my chin.I didn't even realise that I was crying till he wiped them away.

''I am so sorry Delhila,I'm sorry that i just left and didn't mention anything to,I'm not going to give you a bunch of excuses on why I did what I did,just know that I'm deeply sorry.''

I immediatly enveloped him in a hug,it had been two years,two whole years without seeing the man I love,and now he's finally here.We pulled away once we heard someone clearing their throat.

''Once yall are done reconciling i want yall to get your asses back at the bar,because I'll be a damn bride soon''Geah smiled at us and walked away,and I looked back to Paris and we both smiled at the same time,I'm not entirely happy with our situation still,because I still don't know why he left in the first place,but where we were at the moment was enough .

It had been roughly three hours since me and Paris made up and we were all wasted,luckily we had our designated drivers,Dylan and Paris.It was currently eleven at night and I was honestly tired and still had work the next day,so we all called it a night.

'' I'll see yall another time it was honestly fun with all of yall,I'll miss you guys'',Elisha says walking into her husbands car that came to pick her up.We said our goodbyes and they drove away.Next to go was Dylan and Geah,me and Paris said our goodbyes to them too,then we got to his car.Since I was too drunk to drive myself back home Paris offered to do it.

''So how has things been for you?''

''Well I'm starting a new job tommorow.''I said with a smile on my face.

''Really?!well congratulations Ilah.''Immediatly once he said that I didn't feel that good anymore,considering the fact that he was the only person that called me that.He looked at my face quickly upon realising that I didn't respond and he quickly put he's eyes back on the road.

''I'm sorry,I shouldn't have called you that.''

To take the awkwardness away I just smiled and said that it was alright and he looked back at me and smiled.I didn't realise how much Paris had changed,I mean he looked way more attractive to when I last saw him.He's freckels were more prominent and he cut his hair off so it looked more like a buzz cut,and to top it all off he has more muscle than he used to,I guess he might be working out now.

We finally got to my house and once the ignition stopped I looked at Paris and he looked at me and I immediatly asked him''Why did you come back?''

He looked away and said''Would it be crazy to say that i missed you?''He said with a sigh

''Yes actually it would be crazy,honestly Paris I don't even want to hear it anymore,thank you for dropping me home.''I quickly opened the door but it didn't seem fast enough considering the fact that he grabbed my armand practically forced me to sit my ass down now.

''Delihla I will never stop apologising,I did miss you but there is another reason I am back though..but that is to be said another day''

I simply looked at him and said fine and he gently let my arm go.I got out the car walked up to my door,unlocked it and only turned around before I got in.I saw he's car was still there and once I got in my house only then did he drive off.I leaned against my door and breathed a sigh of relief.I walked into my kitchen and my breath got caught in my throat,because on my kitchen island there was a boquet of red roses and next to it was a simple card with the words saying 'congrats on getting the job and you looked wonderful today,did you enjoy my portrait,it was inspired by you'

Immediatly after reading that,I was driven by so much fear that I pucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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