The proposal

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Once I was done showering I had walked past my bed and was heading to my closet,I noticed a small envelope just randomly sitting there.I thought to myself,that's odd,and on further inspection I noticed my name written in perfect cursive on the front part of it.

I reluctantly picked it up and I slowly withdrew the page that was in it and I only read the first three words which read 'Good day Delihla' and suddenly my phone rang abruptly,and I scrambled to pick it up and saw an incoming call from Geah,and immediately picked answer.

"Hey Geah how are you?"

"Girl you won't believe what I have to tell you!"she said squealing

"What is it??!"and the next few words that left her mouth put me in utter shock,"I think Dylan is going to propose tonight!"

"How do you know this?",I said shocked"oh well he practically hinted at it by saying that I should get my nails done!"she said excitedly

"I'm on my way to pick you up,don't tell me you forgot that we were going to the art museum today" Geah said,which I totally forgot about" I could I forget,I absolutely love the art museum".

"Girl I could hear the sarcasm in your tone and choice of words, honestly do better".

"Well ok then let me get ready then, you're an absolute distraction Geah".I said laughing and soon after I heard that she hung up the call.

It took me awhile to find the outfit I liked,which was just a simple black tight dress that reached my ankles and I decided to accessories with my gold watch,gold ring and gold earrings,if you didn't realize I love gold.To top it all off,I left my hair just as is which isn't much,I'm naturally a curly head so I just let all cascade down my back,and did my makeup as natural as I could.

I was putting on my sandals when I heard Geah's honk outside.I quickly hurried up and left my place,making sure that I locked the door.When I reached outside I noticed Geah leaning on the hood of her car.

I smiled as I approached her,as usual Geah looked stunning as always,she wore her natural thick blonde curly locks out as mine,and she wore a a corset dress, appropriate to length which showed off her long legs too.

"Oh my Delihla are you going on a date with Jude Belingham or are you going to the museum,that you will absoloutly enjoy".I knew she was teasing but I simply had to playfully push her and laugh."Please,you know I gotta look good regardless of where I'm going,plus you look stunning too".

She smiled and blew me a kiss,"I know you just wanna hop in bed with me Geah,all you gotta do is ask".I laughed immediately after I heard that,she's honestly ludicrous sometimes.

"Well come on then hop in the car Dee".Once we're both in the car she immediately played Kali Uchis,we both listen to her in utter adoration.Once we reached the museum and parked the car,we got out and only then did I realize how hot it was."Damn Geah,this heat is burning me the fuck up".I said

"I know right well,hurry on then,you know how much I love art".She hurriedly walked to the entrance and I quickly tried to catch up with her,she is quite tall merely 175cm,whilst I was 170cm,not much of a difference yeah but still.

Once we got in the museum I took back every bad thing I said about the place,this place was honestly gorgeous.From the art to the interior design,from the ceiling to the floor.

"Delihla come see this",Geah exclaimed,"What is it-",upon seeing the painting I saw that there was a girl in nude sitting on something that resembled a couch,but the thing that caught my eye was the fact that she looked like me."She looks exactly like you Delihla,oh my goodness Delihla, your literally her doppelganger".Geah said,I was so entranced I didn't realize that I zoned out until Geah hit my arm"Girl you became as still as the portrait Infront of us,lemme take a picture then we'll move on".

We were finally done with the art museum and had to go meet most of our friends.We had agreed to meet at a five star Italian restaurant,and I was in a very hungry mood."Delihla did you talk to Paris?","Oh no I did not I don't want to talk to him,you know that."

Paris is an ex of mine that I first met in college,he's been pestering me about talking things through,and in times like this I'm honestly happy I'm stubborn,I rather stand on business."Well he called me the other day asking about you,I don't know why he's still fixated about you like he doesn't realize what he did was fucked up,plus yall broke up like nearly a year ago".

"Honestly...I'm just fed up with him,make sure you block his number though, otherwise I'm putting a restraining order against him".She looked at me with a smirk on her face and said "Sure thing love,anyway we're here".

I looked at the restaurant in front of us and got out the car as Geah locked it.Once we got in I saw that it was a very beautiful place,but I noticed the group of people sitting at a table for five,there was currently only three people there,It was Geah's boyfriend Dylan,Elisha and...Paris?

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