The garden Ch.8

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I had been reading about two hours before I got bored. Closing the book I sat up put my shoes on and left the room. Walking down the hall of the sanctuary was a little unsettling. No one looked friendly or approachable like in Alexandria. After about 5 minutes of walking in this hall I came to a double door entrance. Opening one of the Doors paused for a second before walking into the room.

Inside of the room there are about 7-8 women wearing black mid thigh length dresses. They all looked at me as I slowly entered the room. "I could feel a red heat rising to my face in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, Negan told me I can explore and I was curious. Sorry if I'm intruding." I stood there for a moment awkwardly, before walking slightly forward extending my hand. "My name's Quinna Grimes, Quinn for short" I left my hand extended to one of the women for a moment longer before retracting my hand realizing no one was gonna take it. "Sorry, I'm still kind of new here. I uh I'ma j-just go so ah have a good day."

I then walk out of the door and close it that was the most awkward interaction I have ever had. Walking a little farther I come to a staircase and climb down. Once I get to what I assume is the first floor I start exploring. I walk around what appears to be a triad center. Seeing an exit I walk out, I'm now surrounded by a beautiful garden there's also picnic tables and on the other side of that is what appears to be a wood shop & mechanics shop. I decided to walk over to the gardeners working in the garden, towards a small boy about 8 or 9. "HI, I'm Quinna, is there anything I can help with?" He looked up at me confused and a small line of sweat dripping down is forehead .

"Sure,I'm getting up these dead plants. Grabs that hoe over theirs, you can help me dig them out." Walking over I grab the hoe and start helping him out. "So what's your name?" I asked to try to start a conversation. "My name is Shane" he said in a cheerful voice. My smile quickly went from happy to sad as I remembered Shane Walsh my prior lover. We got together right before my dad got to the camp, once dad was there he didn't really approve of the relationship but oh well. The night Shane sacrificed his life for me was the worst pain I had ever experienced because I knew it was my fault.

"You know some one I knew, was named Shane" I said trying to lift my mood. "You did?! What was he like!?" He beamed out in joy, his shoulders lifted up and his eyes seemed to sparkle. He has dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes with freckles dotted along his face. He looked a lot like Shane now that I think about it. "He was very brave and smart. He died though" My sadness is now returning to me. "Oh, How did he die?" I looked over at him the curiosity filling his eyes. He was so full of life, he was part of our hope for a stronger next generation. "He died protesting me. For a while me and my group were at a prison. One day everyone was outside taking a break, and just having fun. The next thing we know the alarms were going off and the prison was overflowing with walkers. He died shielding me from the walkers. We lost three great people that day."

He looked down for a moment. "Did he love you" he asked full of curiosity as he stopped working momentarily. "Yes, yes he did" "Were you mad at him for saving you" I now stopped working and looked down at him as he started working again. I had to think for a moment before I answered. "I suppose I was upset, why do you ask?" He once again stopped and looked at me, this time his eyes didn't sparkle they looked sad they looked hurt and alone. "Because I'm still mad at my dad, for leaving me" After hearing this my eye began to water. "what about your mom, I'm sure she loves you very much" I was trying to think of ways to stop this over whelming feeling a hurt for this boy.

"I never met her" dropping the hoe on the ground I hugged the boy. "Then who takes care of you" I could no longer help the tears falling from my eyes. "It's just me, I work for points and take care of myself." He paused for a second. "Who else did you lose in the prison? You said they were great people." We lost a great man named Theodore, who we called T-Dog. He was a very kind, strong, peaceful and helpful soul." I paused and looked at my hands. The memory of my mom still hurts. After a short minute I looked back up at Shane. "The 3rd woman's name is lore, she uh, she was my mother. She died in child Labor. But with every death comes a new beginning, sometimes it's a new life, sometimes it's a fresh start. But one thing for sure just because something ends doesn't mean everything has to stop. Okay?"

I bent down to be face to face with Shane, looking into his eyes. I wondered if Negan knew about him. "If someone gets killed for you, is it your fault?" Shane's eyes had tears in them. He looked like the only emotions he's felt in a long time are pain and regret. And when he asked me that question I could feel the pain in that sentence it's something I asked myself everyday after my Shane died. Until Abraham came along and made everything better. Maybe I could help him. Help him see that what happened isn't his fault.

"Of course not. I thought the same way every day after my Shane died. But eventually I realized he loved me so much, that he knew that whether he was alive or dead. He would always love me and I him. And he gave up his life to give me a second chance at life. That's what your father did for you because he loved you so much he gave his life to give you a chance to change and make a difference in this cruel world." After I had finished talking I could see the tears in Shane's eyes. So I pulled him into a war hug, letting him sob into my shoulder. After a moment I pulled him away and wiped away his tears gently with my hand.

"I'll be here with you as long as you want me to be okay." I texted my best to hold back tears of my own as I tried to comfort him. Shane nodded his head yes as he hugged me tight again. "Thank you" He said wiping away his tears. "You're welcome."



Hey y'all thank you for reading my story and I should be uploading my next chapter soon. And for those who have a hard time picturing or just don't know how or want to this is what Shane looks like: (it's also at the top of the page)

 And for those who have a hard time picturing or just don't know how or want to this is what Shane looks like: (it's also at the top of the page)

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Anyway thank you for reading and I'll see you next time my lovelys.

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