The argument ch.9

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Things have been going well so far however I haven't been able to see Darly yet. It's upsetting but I can manage for now. And me and Negan have been getting closer. I've also gotten to know some of the others savior's. One of my closest friends is Dwight, Negan calls him Dwity boy. I've also found out the woman in black dresses are negan's Wife's. It hurts to know but it's not my place to say anything. What's really bothering me is Shane he's so young and he has no one.

I'm sitting in I and negan's shared room, reading a book. I've been helping Shane in the garden  every day as much as I can. Today we dug out 6, 5 foot holes and planted trees. I personally don't mind doing the work but Shane is so young he shouldn't have to deal with this.

I hadn't noticed Negan come into the room until I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me lifting me up and spinning me around. "That's my girl" Negan said from behind me making me chuckle before he set me down.  "How was your day today, Beautiful". I turned around to face him with a smile on my face. "It was nice I helped out in the garden, speaking of with I uh can I talk to you about something?" "Sure, I'm not in trouble am i?" He seemed to be in a good mood so I figured this would be the best time to bring it up.

"No, nothing like that but I wanted to brin-" I was cut off by Negan "Oh shit I just remembered something" he walked over to the dresser and pulled out a long black cloth before walking back over to me. "My I?" I pause for a second unsure at first then remember I have nothing to worry about, so I nod my head. He then swiftly moves behind me and wraps the cloth around my eyes. "Come on I have something  to show you" with that he gently grabbed my upper arm and gently started pulling me with him. When we finally got to where we're going I felt a cold breeze running through the air, enough to assume we were outside.

"Are you ready for your surprise," nodding my head anxiously I feel the blind fold coming off my head. Opening my eyes I see what you could only see in movies. It looked like a beautiful enchanted garden. I was measuring I can't believe I've never seen it before.  "I thought you might like it. It's not much, but it's something." A bright smile spread across my face. I spin around throwing my arms around negan's neck and firmly press my lips against his. For a moment he was shocked before wrapping his arms around my middle and kissing me back passionately slightly tipping me back. After a moment we broke the kiss and stood up I kept my arms wrapped around his neck, and he kept one of his tightly around. My middle.

"Its beautiful thank you" a smile played across my lips as I look up into his magnificent eyes. "You're welcome darlin' thought you might like it". Whit that he took my hand and led me to nicely set up table. With  some candles around it. We sat in silence for a while before Negan looked over at me.

" Can I ask you about something"

"You just did"

They both smile at each other before negan's smile fades into a serious look.

"Who was Abraham to you?"

Quinna looks confused but then answers with a soft voice and a sad look in her eyes at the thought of someone so dear to her.

"I don't understand your question"

"Was he like your lover or was it kind of a friends with benefits kind of situation?"

Looking down, I take a deep breath.

"We weren't official yet, heh i don't even know how it happened. Me, Glenn, and Tara had just got out of the prison because we were overrun. He found us somewhere along the road and picked us up. I guess somewhere along the road we became a thing."

Negan just sat and listened while she talked, when she stopped he decided to continue.

"Did your dad know?"

"Ha ha very funny. Of course not he would've killed him, himself if he found out"

It was silent again. The air thik as Negan had one question burning in his head and his heart. He wanted to ask so badly. With the silence the air became thick, the tension around them awkwardly. With a hesitant voice he finally asked the questions he wanted to know for days.

"Did you love him"

She froze for a second unsure of what to say next. After a moment she spoke.

"I don't know"


After that the air returned back to an awkward state. It's stayed like that for a while. When finally a topic came to Quinna.

"So I met a kid, his named Shane, he's 12. Wh-when I met him he was working in the gardens, do you of him?"

"Yeah I know him what bout it"

" I was wondering if maybe, you could give him less work I mean he's just a kid"

"Sorry but I can't do anything bout that darlin' you
Gotta work to earn your keep"

"But he's just a kid, his hands are always bloody,
And he works 8 hours a day in the hot sun, please negan"

"I'm sorry that's out of my control, if he wants to stay here he has to earn his keep.  Plus his hand will calus eventually"

"please negan, he's just a kid please"

Tears startled too well In here eyes as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"If it is that important that he has to work to keep his
keep ill do his work for him please"

"Listen you can do whatever you want but I'm just

If he wants to say here he has to do his part there rules for a reason"

At this point Quinna felt anger hit her like a truck she stands up fuming. Negan sees this and  stands up next to her.

"Come on its not something to get your tits in a knote
it's just a stupid kid"

Hearing this made Quinn snap.

"It might not seem like a big deal to you. But last I checked children shouldn't have to work like adults. He's 12 not 20!"

After saying this she turns on her heels and storms off. It felt as if she was an angry cartoon character, with smoke leaving her ears and a train horn in the background. Negan stoom their shocked at the situation and confused, unsure of what had just happened.


Hey sorry I haven't posted in a while I just moved from Nebraska to California so I'm trying to get settled and I will be posting more soon. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.

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