Two - Identity Processes

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Namjoon was... wary about attending Professor Lee's class. For the first time in history, he genuinely thought about skipping the lecture. It wasn't like he would be missing much, but paranoia knocked and told him that he could be. Maybe Professor Lee wanted to change it up today despite being notorious for teaching with the same lesson plan every freaking year. So slowly, Namjoon got dressed.

It was an eight am class, normally Namjoon wouldn't mind getting up so early, but after his class, he had nothing to do. Normally he returned to his dorm and would study, or call his mom so she'd stop spamming his phone all the time. But recently she had been pretty insensitive with him and he didn't want to talk to her.

Namjoon's roommate was sleeping on the other side of the room. A rare sight to see. He was normally asleep before Hoseok even came through the door and by the time he woke up Hoseok had already started his day.

Namjoon noticed a bowl of ice water and a towel by the bed... was he sick? Before he could do anything, like go check to see if his roommate was alright, his alarm telling him he had to be out the door and on his way to class went off. He jumped, heart kicking into speed mode.

"Frick" Namjoon cast one last look at his roommate before leaving the dorm. He was a little later than usual today, not by much, but Professor Lee was there before him. He smiled and went to his seat. As people filed in, Namjoon wondered if Jungkook would show up today. If he did would he sit by Namjoon again? Namjoon sincerely hoped not, he didn't want to be distracted again.

At the last minute, Jungkook walked in, a tight black shirt spread across his torso, light blue jeans, and combat boots. His shoulder-length curly hair which was normally down was pulled into a half-up ponytail. The white stick of a sucker was sticking out of his mouth, his cheek bulging slightly with the roundness of the sweet.

Namjoon shifted nervously in his seat glancing at the empty one next to him. As Jungkook walked passed Namjoon, he didn't spare him a glance. Namjoon blinked in surprise as Jungkook continued to the back of the classroom where he normally sat. The blond glanced back. Jungkook took his seat, while a busty brunette slinked over to him. He pulled the sucker from his mouth, smirking up at her as she sat herself in his lap.

Jungkook's hands immediately went around her waist pulling her closer. Namjoon turned around fast, head spinning a little at the speed. It didn't matter, he hadn't wanted Jungkook to sit next to him anyway, although the possibility of getting his favorite pen back sounded nice.

Namjoon focused his eyes on his open laptop in front of him, typing out notes for the latest chapters they read. He had a good memory, but typing everything out made his memory even better.

Behind him, all he could hear was breathy laughs and whispering and moving around. Jungkook's seat was a little ways from his, and it normally didn't bother him, but it was like his mind was in overdrive. He was hyper-aware of every little sound that came from the back of the class.

Irritation had built in Namjoon like bees trapped in a glass jar. He stood up fast when Professor Lee dismissed the class.

How dare Jungkook attend a lesson and not listen! That was one thing, but to also distract others just made it worse. That's why Namjoon could never be friends with Jungkook, he didn't take anything seriously.

Just as Namjoon stepped outside the literature building he tripped over himself, falling to the ground. His notebooks scattered from his bag, and Namjoon winced at the sound of his laptop hitting the ground. He scrambled to pick up his things as people walked around him.

Hesitantly, Namjoon cracked his laptop open to assess the damage. He hoped it was fine, he had already broken 7 laptops since starting college. It was fine, to his great relief, it even lit up the right colors when it turned on. Namjoon let out a chesty sigh and tucked his laptop back into his bag, he picked himself up and continued to the exit, most people had gone around him so the rest of the way was an easy walk.

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