Three- Anxiety 101: when to run

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Jungkook was pretty sure that the blond from his English class did not show up to the party, which was strange because Jungkook had invited him and Jungkook didn't invite people to parties, they always got the wrong idea.

The idea that Jungkook was interested in more than just sex with them. But that was the idea Jungkook was trying to give the blond. But he wasn't here. He had looked.

Was he serious when he said he wasn't a party person? No way. Who didn't like parties? Even if it was true and he didn't like parties. Jungkook had invited him, everyone liked Jungkook...

He could have at least shown up out of courtesy couldn't he have? The only logical explanation for the blond not to show up was because he didn't like Jungkook, but if he was being honest with himself, that wasn't logical either. Not to sound like a broken record but... everyone liked Jungkook.

So, to say Jungkook was at a loss was a bit of an understatement...

Jungkook flipped the covers off his body, sitting up and stretching his arms above his head before he climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. He smelled like some girl's cheap-ass perfume and cigarettes, his mouth tasted like cheap cherry liquor and flatter chasers.

Once he slid the handle to the hot water side and the shower kicked on he pulled his shirt overhead at the mirror. The smatter of bites and bruises across his chest, and the smear of lipstick made his stomach churn a little. He hated being marked.

He turned away from the mirror and slipped the rest of his clothes off, stepping under the steaming spray of water. Jungkook's hangovers were never terrible, usually only consisted of a day or two of a stomach that felt like curdled cheese boiling on a stove, and the leftover taste of alcohol.

He breathed deep through the onslaught of nausea that kicked him in the gut and pushed his head under the stream of water.

Once he managed to clean himself and get dressed, he let Bam out of his cage and fed him before putting him on the leash to go for a walk.

He was supposed to meet Jimin and Taehyung in one of the private study rooms in the library forty-five minutes ago. Jungkook didn't like to study period, especially during midterms. And on top of that, he was preoccupied with the blond. He didn't like beating around the bush, He just assumed he would have to be direct. Inviting him to the party was as subtle as JK could be while spelling it all out for him and it hadn't worked. That meant he had to be as direct as direct gets. Fine. Jungkook could do that.

Jungkook was an hour and a half late for the study session. He was sure Jimin would be pissed, but he'd get over it. Jungkook and Jimin had known each other for years, since grade school they both grew up in Busan and were in the same class before Jimin got shipped off to some prestigious private school for the last couple years of their highschool.

They reconnected once they ran into each other at freshman orientation. Jimin was a little... shocked... at how different Jungkook had become since he had left. Before Jungkook had been shy, not necessarily withdrawn but he definitely didn't talk to anyone if he didn't have to.

And then, as their freshman year of college drove by, Jimin was seeing a completely different person. More confident and well-rounded. Everyone wanted to talk to him and he spoke with them back. He also had a very interesting way of entertaining himself. One that Jimin would have never seen coming. Apparently Jungkook had built up a reputation for himself the last year of highschool and it was carrying over to college as well.

Jimin had introduced Jungkook and Taehyung to each other, his old best friend and his new one. Of course it made sense that Jimin had a new bestfriend, it wasn't like jungkook expected him to be a loner at his new school. But was a little shocking-  Jungkook felt the smallest bit of jealousy, knowing Jimin had made a new bestfriend while all Jungkook had come out the other side with was too many acquaintances and some notches under his belt.

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