Mama mia: Part 1

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I'm a male main character in a chinese manhua. For this story, the translation is garbage and a lot of people have dropped this story. Here is how this manhua begins.

I get a system in like the first chapter that helps me cultivate. In this story, I'll be blushing at almost every female I see. No questions asked. So after I start cultivating, I get so strong that I kinda become a genius.

Then this rich kid in my highschool comes out of nowhere and threatens me with his bodyguards. So they're two things I, a protagonist, can do (basically what I usually do). I have two options: to not say anything or to say something and either choice will just make him boil in anger.

After school when I'm walking home, I see him in a back alley way and he comes out of nowhere with his bodyguards. He just insults me using swear words and it's not like I care which of course, makes him angrier. But when he talks about my dead father, my mom and my elder sister who looks like she could be my mom, I snap. I beat up his bodyguards without breaking a sweat and the rich spoiled brat realizes I'm stronger than he thought. He then runs off, after losing face and I just head home to see my family.

When I get home, I see my elder sister waiting for me. She asks me why I'm getting stronger and I tell her that she should just work harder which makes her pout. We eat dinner happily and I go to my room and cultivate. After an hour, I finally have a breakthrough (I got so bored of this trope that I forgot what a breakthrough is since I don't care).

Summary: MC becomes stronger, shows his talent in school, everyone is in awe, saves a girl, and turns out, she's from a rich family. Her family pays him back by buying a house for him and his family to live in. The girl falls for him. He goes to make an experiment in a science workshop about a drink he knows will make him stronger due to the help of his system. The owner is a waifu (of course) and allows him to use one of her labs. He makes it, leaves and she finds the remains of the experiment and looks everywhere for him: calling him a genius like almost the entire time.

The rich girl invites him to an event hosted by her father (can be anything, I just don't want to use my brain for this troupe). He attends it and wears the default business wear with the suit and tie and everyone whispers about him: saying he is a genius and on top of that, has good looks (sometimes I don't agree). The rich spoiled brat from before, wants to embarrass the main character and tells everyone that he's from a normal family and adds a cherry on top by insulting him. The girl's father who is someone rich and important in the business area tells everyone how the MC is an honorable guest since he saved his daughter. The brat gets embarrassed and loses face...again.

We then meet his supposed academy rival (It's always one sided), and she is or acts like a tsundere. She keeps saying she'll beat him in tests and exams but never does (It's not like the MC cares anyway). But one day, when she's harassed by some random guys, he helps her. She acts like the tsundere she is, which is just her saying the most popular line a tsundere most say. Let me write a prompt with this.

"Pervert!" she says, her face flushing as she pulls her skirt down. He isn't even looking there! The MC tries to explain that he's not a pervert but as she listens, it just goes in one ear and exits the other. She pushes him away and takes conscious steps away from him. What did he do?

When the MC leaves, she glances at him, blushing. She tucks a braid of her hair behind her ear, calling him a pervert as she does so. Who could have guessed that after he saved her, she starts falling for him? I didn't.

He later gets stronger, earning himself 2 more female love interests. He will get more famous and into a popular college and blah blah blah. To be freaking continued.


This troupe is something I call 'The out of nowhere harem trope'. The reason why I can't finish this story is because I dropped all the manhuas I've read so far with this troupe. What I find ridiculous about stories like this is that they can have up to 300 or even 500 chapters but I get bored in the 80th. If you noticed, I got frustrated when writing this and it caused me a headache but it feels nice to realize that this troupe is still garbage. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it. See you!

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